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Dear Subscriber,
It is an honor for me to write my first preface today. I hope you had a great weekend and that Germany's defeat in the UEFA game on Friday did not dampen your spirits too much! It’s a sunny morning in Taipei, and as I sit here on the 19th floor of our building in the TWTC International Trade Building, I am captivated by the breathtaking skyline of this vibrant city that I am lucky to call my new home.
Speaking of sunshine, we are still looking for German companies that are interested in joining our delegation trip to Taiwan in the field of solar energy. The trip will take place in September and there are still a few spots available, so sign up now! More information can be found in our Top News.
Another event you should not miss is our second Wirtschaftsstammtisch of the year. Taking place in Taichung on July 30, we invited three esteemed speakers from Beckhoff Automation Taiwan, igus Taiwan and TRUMPF Taiwan for an insightful machinery panel talk. Join us and register now! The full agenda and the registration link are in our Top News.
Moreover, we participated in two meetings that were held abroad last week. Firstly, our colleague Ms Lin Yi flew to Malaysia to participate in the AHK Asia Regional Membership Meeting to exchange updates and insights with our fellow Asian chambers. Read more about the event in our GTO News.
Secondly, we also had the privilege of accompanying a Taiwanese delegation from the machine industry to Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Get a rough idea of the trip in our GTO News.
So far, the weather in Taipei has been beautiful, and I hope it lasts. May this weather inspire us all to achieve great things. It is truly a privilege to serve as the new head of the German Trade Office Taipei and I am looking forward to our future collaborations.
Kind regards,
Dr. Eva Langerbeck Chief Representative & Executive Director
Jetzt noch ganz schnell anmelden: Delegationsreise im Bereich Solarenergie
Vom 23.09. bis 27.09.2024 findet eine Geschäftsreise nach Taiwan für deutsche Unternehmen aus der Solarindustrie statt. Die fünftägige Reise besteht aus einer Fachkonferenz mit Unternehmenspräsentationen sowie individuellen B2B-Terminen mit potenziellen taiwanischen Geschäftspartnern und Entscheidungsträgern.
Die Reise richtet sich an deutsche Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Solarenergie, insbesondere mit Agri-PV und Solarthermie Lösungen. Ebenfalls willkommen sind Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Energiespeicherung sowie Firmen, die Taiwan als Beschaffungsmarkt für Solarprodukte entdecken möchten.
Taiwan hat bereits im Jahr 2016 eine Energiewende eingeleitet, die vorwiegend auf den Ausbau von Erneuerbaren setzt. Eine übergeordnete Rolle spielt dabei der Ausbau der lokalen Solarkapazitäten. So konnte der Anteil der installierten Kapazitäten im Bereich Solar PV von 2016 bis 2023 fast verneunfacht werden. Insgesamt verfügt Taiwan über 12,81 GW installierte Kapazitäten im Bereich Solar PV, davon sind 8,05 GW Aufdachanlagen und 4,76 GW auf Freiflächen installiert (Stand März 2024). Ziel der taiwanischen Regierung ist es, bis 2030 insgesamt 31 GW und bis 2025 sogar 40-80 GW installierte Solarkapazitäten aufgebaut zu haben. Um diese ambitionierten Ziele zu erreichen, sind innovative Lösungen aus dem Ausland besonders gefragt. Für deutsche Anbieter von Solartechnologien bietet Taiwan ein einzigartiges Marktumfeld, mit Einspeisevergütungen von 10 – 16 Eurocent pro kWh und starken Zugangsbeschränkungen für chinesische Wettbewerber.
Weitere Informationen und die Anmeldeunterlagen finden Sie auf der Website der Exportinitiative Energie. Den offiziellen Flyer finden Sie hier.
Bei Rückfragen stehen Ihnen Herr Kai Unger ku@eclareon.com sowie unser Mitarbeiter Herr Philipp Molz molz.philipp@taiwan.ahk.de gerne zur Verfügung.
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Register Now – GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch & Machinery Panel Discussion
Join our first GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch networking event in Taichung on July 30 to experience Taiwan’s biggest machinery cluster and connect with the local German-Taiwanese business community.
During the event, you will not only be able to enjoy a delicious buffet and authentic German beer, but can also learn about the latest trends in the Taiwanese machinery industry and gain valuable insights from our 45-minute panel discussion featuring three German key players in machinery industry: Beckhoff Automation Taiwan, igus Taiwan, and Trumpf Taiwan.
Don’t miss out this great chance to engage with industry leaders and explore new business opportunities.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 Time: 17:30 – 21:00 (registration from 17:30 – 18:00) Venue: The Splendor Hotel - Taichung, Plum Blossom I, 13F Address: No. 1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Price: 2,200 NT$ (including VAT, price includes dinner as well as soft drinks and a free flow of Erdinger beer, kindly sponsored by Millenia Commercial 美樂啤酒股份有限公司)
Phylex Ong Managing Director Beckhoff Automation Taiwan
Steven Lin Managing Director igus Taiwan
Patrick Kemnitz Managing Director TRUMPF Taiwan
All Events
Leistungsschau für Hersteller von Industrie 4.0-Technologien mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Montage- und Fertigungsprozessen
Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme an einer Leistungsschau in Taiwan!
Wussten Sie, dass für den gesamten taiwanischen Fertigungssektor ein Umsatzrekord von 700 Mrd. Euro für 2024 prognostiziert wird? Taiwan beherbergt weltweit führende Fertigungsunternehmen in den Bereichen Halbleiter, Elektronik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, deren Entscheidungsträger:innen in Taiwan sitzen und die durch das Upgrade der Produktionsprozesse mit Industrie 4.0-Technologien ihre Konkurrenzfähigkeit sichern wollen.
Vom 21. bis 25. Oktober 2024 findet eine Leistungsschau für deutsche Unternehmen nach Taiwan statt. Die Reise wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU gefördert.
Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme für die Leistungsschau nach Taiwan und erschließen Sie den taiwanischen Markt für Industrie 4.0 wie Cloudplattformen, maschinelle Bildverarbeitung, BigData, Cybersecurity, Systemintegration, Robotik, 3D-Druck, AI und VR, um Ihren idealen Vertriebs- und Geschäftspartner zu finden und wertvolle Einblicke zu erhalten!
Weiterführende Informationen sowie einen Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf unserer Website.
Review: AHK Asia Regional Membership Meeting
Last week, our colleague Ms. Lin Yi, Senior Manager Governmental Affairs & GTO German Business Alliance, joined the two-day “AHK Asia Regional Membership Meeting” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted by the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC).
Together with seven other delegates from the region, they discussed topics including the latest strategies on membership acquisition and retention and shared best events practices.
We want to thank our colleagues at the MGCC for the arrangements and their warm hospitality. We are looking forward to more regional cooperation with the AHKs in Asia.
Review: IHK Exportakademie Begins
Last week, we were accompanying a Taiwanese delegation of 20 delegates from the machine industry in cooperation with the IHK Exportakademie!
Our journey took us to several renowned German research institutions and companies in the machinery sector across the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, also known as Germany’s innovation hub. We could not wait to visit TRUMPF, Festo, Fraunhofer IPA, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and many other interesting companies.
This initiative is all about fostering economic exchange between Taiwan and Germany, with a focus on AI, robotics, and machinery.
A special thanks goes to IHK Exportakademie, IHK Stuttgart, and IHK Karlsruhe for their incredible support. And a huge thank you to Amra Surkovic for organizing this remarkable event.
From April 8-10, 2025, Messe Berlin will host Europe's leading event for digital health, DMEA. It brings together decision-makers from across the healthcare sector, including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives, and experts from politics, science, and research.
DMEA 2024 was a massive success, attracting over 800 exhibitors, more than 19,000 visitors, and nearly 300 speakers from around the globe. The event covered a wide range of topics beyond healthcare in Germany, such as patient care in Europe, the electronic patient record in Denmark, and AI transparency in Europe.
DMEA is an excellent platform for system and hardware/software vendors worldwide to seize market opportunities and engage with the digital healthcare community.
Don't miss your chance to be part of next year’s DMEA! To exhibit at DMEA 2025, please contact our colleague Mr. Pinchao Huang at 02-7735-7529 or huang.pinchao@taiwan.ahk.de for more information.
Get Exclusive Tickets for IFA 2024
Mark your calendars for the world’s largest trade fair for consumer electronics and home appliances Join us at IFA 2024 as we celebrate its monumental 100th anniversary!
Date: September 6 – 10, 2024 Venue: Berlin, Germany
Experience the pulse of “innovation for all” right in the heart of Europe's most dynamic regional market. At IFA, witness the unveiling of the latest products from around the globe. With attendees from over 130 countries, IFA is the main hot spot for key retailers, buyers and experts from the industry and the media. Only IFA offers such a comprehensive overview of the international market.
But that's not all! Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere with exhilarating outdoor spectacles and evening concerts featuring both local legends and international superstars.
What’s special about this year’s IFA 2024? It’s divided into two exhibition periods AND two exhibition zones:
1) IFA: September 6 – 10 at Messe Berlin
2) IFA Global Markets: September 8 – 10 at STATION Berlin
Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity! Exclusive Trade Visitor Tickets are on sale now! Sign up and don’t miss a beat!
ITB Asia Now Open for Registrations
We are thrilled to announce our journey to ITB Asia in Singapore this October, where we will showcase the beauty of Taiwan. ITB Asia is expected to welcome 24,000 attendees, spreading across 4 stages with a total of 17 thematic tracks. With a record of over 35,000 business appointments in 2023, ITB Asia serves as an excellent platform for fostering long-term cooperation in the global travel industry.
Join us and be part of this incredible opportunity to showcase Taiwan to the world! For inquiries about exhibiting, contact our colleague Ms. Venus Peng.
Bosch in Taiwan Remains Committed to the Local Market and its Long-Term Potential
Bosch, a leading global supplier of technology and services, ended its 2023 fiscal year with NTD 32.4 billion (963 million euros) in consolidated sales in Taiwan, thus below its expectations due to the challenges of the 2023 business year. “The business development in 2023 reflected the overall economic environment. To tap future long-term potential, Bosch will continue to develop local expertise in Taiwan, especially in strategic growth areas such as AIoT and sustainable technology,” said Andreas Schmidt, chairman and managing director of Bosch in Taiwan. The number of associates employed at Bosch in Taiwan stood around 540 as of December 31, 2023, on par with the level of last year.
For the current business year, Bosch Taiwan still expects moderate global economic growth. “While we expect a challenging year also in Taiwan due to the current situation, we remain committed to the local market and its longstanding potential,” said Schmidt.
Read the full article on our website.
Jetzt anmelden: IHK Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen
Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen, 9. Juli 2024, Frankfurt am Main
Treffen Sie das Deutsche Wirtschaftsbüro Taipei (AHK Taiwan) zum persönlichen Beratungsgespräch beim 7. Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen am 9. Juli 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. Unsere Expertin Frau Linda Blechert bespricht Ihr individuelles Geschäftsvorhaben und gibt Tipps für einen erfolgreichen Markteinstieg. Darüber hinaus bietet der Außenwirtschaftstag zahlreiche Diskussionen und Fachvorträge zu aktuellen Themen des internationalen Handels sowie eine Fachmesse mit Partnern und Dienstleistern für das Auslandsgeschäft.
Anmelden können Sie sich bis zum 9. Juli hier.
Sign Up Now: German ADB BOF Mission to Manila 2024 |
On October 9-10, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will once again host a Business Opportunities Fair (BOF) in Manila. On this occasion, they would like to organize a delegation trip with another program day with the aim of supporting German companies in the participation of ADB-funded projects.
The ADB BOF provides an excellent forum for consultants, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and civil society organizations for ADB projects, it is an excellent networking opportunity with ADB specialists in various sectors.
Date: October 8 – 10
Location: ADB Headquarters, Manila
Additional added value:
- Tailor-made schedule for your stay in Manila
- Arranged meetings with ADB specialists
- Meeting with ADB Exectuive Director for Germany
- Exclusive networking event in the evening in cooperation with the German Embassy Manila
- Networking event as part of the BOF
- Support with accommodation and transportation
Registration Deadline: September 3 (12:00 CET)
Special price:
- First Participant: € 850
- Additional Participant: € 310
- Early-Bird rate: 20 % until July 1
- Early-Bird rate: 15% until August 1
Enclosed you will find the project flyer, the event page can be found here.
For further information please contact Ms. Therese Chu, ADB Partnership and Business Development Consultant at therese.chu@gpcci.org.
Deutschenliste für Krisenvorsorge
Alle deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die, auch nur vorübergehend, im Amtsbezirk des Deutschen Instituts Taipei leben, können in eine Krisenvorsorgeliste aufgenommen werden, die zentral im Auswärtigen Amt Berlin geführt wird. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine freiwillige Maßnahme. Das Deutsche Institut rät, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch zu machen, damit es, falls erforderlich, in Krisen- und sonstigen Ausnahmesituationen mit Deutschen schnell in Verbindung treten kann.
Zur Krisenvorsorgeliste. |
Efficient Energy Market Required to Reach 2050 Net Zero Goal: Taipower Chair
Taiwan needs an efficient energy market if it is to reach net zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) Chairman Tseng Wen-sheng (曾文生) said at a climate change summit.
The Taipower chairman said the development of renewable energy requires new technologies and investment, "decisions about which are multifaceted." However, the government has many factors to consider, which can make decision-making slow and inefficient.
(Last access: 04.07.2024 / Focus Taiwan)
Overseas Investment Cap to Stay at 45%
Overseas investment would remain capped at 45 percent of local insurers’ total assets, as there are scant investment tools at home and potentially significant losses from sudden divestments, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) said.
The commission’s comments came in response to a legislator’s concern over the effect of a proposed revision to the Insurance Act (保險法) to lower the upper limit to 25 percent.
(Last access: 04.07.2024 / Taipei Times)
MediaTek Employees Earn Highest Average Compensation in 2023: TWSE
MediaTek Inc (聯發科) paid the highest average annual compensation to non-managerial full-time employees of any of Taiwan’s listed companies, according to a report published by Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp (TWSE).
MediaTek’s non-managerial employees earned NT$3.754 million (US$115,384) on average last year in total compensation, which includes regular salary and monthly stipends, overtime pay, and irregular income such as bonuses, allowances and profit distributions.
Though the figure was down 22.8 percent from the previous year, MediaTek still ranked first in the category for the third consecutive year, the TWSE said.
(Last access: 04.07.2024 / Taipei Times) |
Taiwan Economics Minister Wants Migrant Workers to Help with Power Grid
Taiwan could bring in migrant workers to help Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) stabilize the power grid, Economics Minister Kuo Jyh-huei (郭智輝) said.
Power outages have plagued several cities in Taiwan over the past few months, leading to questions about the government’s policy to end nuclear power next year. Responding to questions from lawmakers, Kuo rejected allegations that the country would suffer a power shortage.
(Last access: 04.07.2024 / Taipei Times) |
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German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan) 19F-9 No. 333 Keelung Rd. 11012 Taipei Taiwan
+886 2 77357500 info@taiwan.ahk.de GTO Website