InfoBrief Taiwan 11/06/2024

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Newsletter | 11/06/2024


Dear Subscriber,

Happy Tuesday! As you might have noticed, we are sending out our newsletter a day later than usual because yesterday was a national holiday in Taiwan: the Dragon Boat Festival. This vibrant festival commemorates the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan and is celebrated with dragon boat races and delicious rice dumplings.

The mood in our office is especially joyful this week as we celebrate our third-place victory in the soccer tournament we hosted last Friday. It was a fantastic event, not only because of our success on the field but also because we managed to raise a substantial amount of money which we donated to charity. The tournament was truly a triumph on all fronts. Read more about it in our GTO News.

Another highlight from last week was the IFA Media Reception we co-hosted on Thursday. We gave an exclusive preview of what to expect at IFA 2024, the world's largest consumer electronics exhibition, coming this September. For the full report, please refer to our Top News.

Looking ahead, we still have tickets available for this Friday's Riesling Wine Night! Join us for an unforgettable evening where you get to enjoy the summer breeze along the Keelung River. This event promises to be a perfect kick-off to the summer with exquisite wine and plenty of networking opportunities. Secure the last tickets now before it is too late and they are all gone! The registration link can be found in our Top News.

We also have plenty of spots available for Taiwanese companies interested in investing in Germany at our upcoming event next Thursday, "Frankfurt RheinMain meets Taipei – Business Dinner." Meet with the President of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, Ulrich Casper, and other senior representatives to learn why Frankfurt is a prime destination for foreign investments. This event is free and provides an excellent opportunity to build your networks and explore new pathways to success. Read more about it in our Top News.

However, if you are working for a German company which focuses on assembly and manufacturing  processes, we have another exciting opportunity for you and your team! Are you interested in participating in our delegation trip to Taiwan which will take place in October? If so, you can still sign up as the deadline is next Friday. For more information check out our GTO News.

As we continue to celebrate our recent achievements and look forward to upcoming events, we are reminded of the power of teamwork and determination. Just like our soccer team, with the right strategy and collaboration, we can all reach new heights!

Kind regards,

German Trade Office Taipei

Diamond Partners 2024

Top News

Review: IFA Media Reception 2024

On Thursday, we hosted the IFA Media Reception where we gave an exclusive preview of what can be expected at the world's largest consumer electronics exhibition IFA 2024 this upcoming September!

Our event was held inside Clapper Studio at Syntrend Creative Park, a renowned shopping mall that is home to several high-tech electronic stores. For a total of two hours the main goal was to showcase groundbreaking tech innovations. The venue was spacious, and we were content with the great number of participants that showed up.

Celebrating IFA's centennial and as the new motto states "IFA – Innovation for All", the focus was on AI's impact on home appliances and electronics. Since the EU is playing a major role in this field, we also made sure to give an insight on its role in setting global AI standards.

What an honour it was to host insightful speeches from industry leaders who are shaping the future! Mr. Dirk Koslowski, Executive Director of IFA Management GmbH, was the first one to set the stage. In a brief but impressive fifteen-minute presentation he elaborated on IFA and what IFA means for Taiwan. Afterwards, his colleague Mr. Leif-Erik Lindner, Chief Executive Officer, enlightened us with his visionary outlook. Mr. Steve Chou, Account Director at IPEVO, shed light on the transformative potential of AI-powered communication during his part "IFA x Next." Mr. Andrew Hung, CEO of TSGC, captivated the audience with his discussion on sustainability and the AI-powered PV circulator. Closing the event on a poignant note, Mr. Jerry Chang, President of Face Heart, introduced the audience to AI-powered digital healthcare. Their expertise and passion exemplify the spirit of innovation that defines IFA's legacy. Our media reception concluded with a networking session which enabled participants and media reporters to mingle with the experts.

We are grateful that we were given the opportunity to organise such a meaningful event on the account of IFA 2024. A huge thanks goes to our esteemed speakers, guests and every single attendee. Without such a great audience the event would not have been as delightful as it was!

Sign Up Now: 2024 German Riesling Night with Peter Mertes

Experience an unforgettable evening at our first Riesling Night, hosted in partnership with Peter Mertes, Germany’s leading winery from the country’s wine capital Bernkastel-Kues in the heart of the Mosel region. Set in the charming outdoor area of M Club Taipei on the banks of Keelung river, we warmly invite you to enjoy the summer breeze, indulge in exquisite free-flowing wine and enjoy the carefully curated buffet dinner at the event. Look forward to savoring the crisp and well-balanced flavors of Peter Mertes’ Riesling, a perfectly refreshing wine ideal for the upcoming summer season. Join us and Peter Mertes for a memorable evening with a relaxed ambiance and plenty of networking opportunities to kick off the summer in style.


Date: Friday, June 14, 2024
Time: 18:30 – 21:30 
Venue: Maritime Club Taipei (M Club), No. 16 Water Gate of Keelung River, Meiti Wharf
Dresscode: Summer Chic
Price: 2,800 NT$




Linda Blechert
Head of Governmental Affairs &
GTO German Business Alliance
Tel: +886-2-7735-7504
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280


"Frankfurt RheinMain meets Taipei – Business Dinner“ for Taiwanese Companies interested in investing in Germany

Germany is Europe’s economic engine and Frankfurt is one of Germany’s most dynamic and innovative regions. Known as Europe’s financial center, Frankfurt and the surrounding RheinMain region are also the birthplace of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine and home to Germany’s largest and ever-growing cluster of cloud datacenters as well as major industry clusters in Logistics, Life Science, IT and Automotive.

Meet the President of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce Ulrich Casper and senior representatives of the region and their delegation to discuss why Frankfurt is experiencing an upsurge in foreign investments.

This event is all about building your networks in Frankfurt and Germany!

FrankfurtRheinMain is proud to offer Taiwanese firms a unique opportunity to expand their horizons with this business dinner. Participation in this event is free for all interested Taiwanese companies. Don't miss out on this chance to unlock new pathways to success over exquisite food and authentic wine from the Frankfurt Rhein Main Region!


„Frankfurt RheinMain meets Taipei – Business Dinner“

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 18:00 – 21:30

Location: Illume Taipei Hotel

18.00 – 18.30      Registration & Snacks

18.30 – 18.35      Welcome Remarks

  • Eric Menges, CEO, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH
  • Harald Fuchs, Director Greater China, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH

18.35 – 18.45      Welcome

  • Ulrich Caspar, President, Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce

18.45 – 18.55      Frankfurt RheinMain – Your Gateway to Europe

  • Eric Menges, CEO, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH
  • Harald Fuchs, Director Greater China, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH

18.55 – 19.05   Cultivating Financial Freedom: Navigating Banking in Germany

  • Ingrid Chang, Director / Head of Corporate Coverage Taiwan, Deutsche Bank AG, Taipei Branch

19.05 – 19.15      Best Practice: How Taiwan’s First Bank established in Frankfurt

  • TBC First Bank
19.15 – 21.30      Seated Networking Dinner

Please register by June 14, 2024, via the following link:

We look forward to welcoming you at the Frankfurt RheinMain meets Taipei – Business Dinner.


Linda Blechert
Head of Governmental Affairs &
GTO German Business Alliance
Tel: +886-2-7735-7504
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280


Platinum Partners 2024

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Gold Partners 2024

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More information about our membership packages on our website.

GTO News

Leistungsschau für Hersteller von Industrie 4.0-Technologien mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Montage- und Fertigungsprozessen

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme an einer Leistungsschau in Taiwan!

Wussten Sie, dass für den gesamten taiwanischen Fertigungssektor ein Umsatzrekord von 700 Mrd. Euro für 2024 prognostiziert wird? Taiwan beherbergt weltweit führende Fertigungsunternehmen in den Bereichen Halbleiter, Elektronik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, deren Entscheidungsträger:innen in Taiwan sitzen und die durch das Upgrade der Produktionsprozesse mit Industrie 4.0-Technologien ihre Konkurrenzfähigkeit sichern wollen.

Vom 21. bis 25. Oktober 2024 findet eine Leistungsschau für deutsche Unternehmen nach Taiwan statt. Die Reise wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU gefördert.

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme für die Leistungsschau nach Taiwan und erschließen Sie den taiwanischen Markt für Industrie 4.0 wie Cloudplattformen, maschinelle Bildverarbeitung, BigData, Cybersecurity, Systemintegration, Robotik, 3D-Druck, AI und VR, um Ihren idealen Vertriebs- und Geschäftspartner zu finden und wertvolle Einblicke zu erhalten!

Weiterführende Informationen sowie einen Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf unserer Website. Anmeldeschluss ist der 21. Juni 2024.

Unterstützt durch:


Review: 2nd GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament

Last Friday, we held our much-anticipated 2nd GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament at the Taipei Gymnasium. Co-hosted by the Taipei City Government's Department of Sports, A Star Football Academy and Lumière International Academy, our event saw an impressive turnout. 16 German teams competed in thrilling 15-minute 5 vs. 5 games. Each goal scored during the matches resulted in a donation of 1,500 NT$ to the Make-A-Wish Taiwan foundation, supporting children with critical illnesses.

The tournament kicked off with all 16 teams participating in a joint warm-up session, followed by grand entrances where each team was accompanied by accompanied by children from Make-A-Wish Taiwan and Lumière International Academy. Our colleague Ms. Leonie Yang, Acting Delegate of German Business and Head of the German Trade Office, Mr. Wu Jian-qun, Deputy Director, Department of Sports, Taipei City Government and Ms. Flora Hsu, Chief Executive Officer, Make-A-Wish Taiwan, delivered opening remarks. Their warm words set the tone for an exhilarating day. After a quick group photo, the competition began! The 16 teams battled it out until the top two emerged for the final showdown.

In a day filled with camaraderie and spirited competition, Bosch Taiwan claimed first place, followed by Tianmu United in second—who were the reigning champions from last year. Our very own GTO Team secured a commendable third place, marking a special milestone for us as it was our first time participating! Throughout the event, a remarkable total of 183 goals were scored, resulting in a generous donation of 274,500 NT$ to the Make-A-Wish Taiwan foundation.

We are proud to report that the tournament concluded without any serious injuries, showcasing the sportsmanship and skill of all the participants. Special recognition goes to Tianmu United for scoring the highest number of goals!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsor Rosbacher for keeping our players hydrated, the Department of Sports, Taipei City Government for providing the venue, and Lumière International Academy and A STAR Football Academy for their invaluable support.

Let's continue to kick for a good cause and make dreams come true! We cannot wait for next year’s tournament!

Click here to view the photos in full resolution.

Review: IFA Delegates Came to Taiwan

Last week, the German IFA delegates Chief Executive Officer Mr. Leif-Erik Lindner, Executive Director Mr. Dirk Koslowski, Executive Director Consumer Electronics Cornelia Schwobe, Head of PR & Content Jan Kronenberger  and their team embarked on an inspiring journey across Taiwan, where they engaged with some of the brightest companies in the tech industry. On Wednesday, our colleagues Ms. Leonie Yang and Mr. Pinchao Huang joined them on their activities.

On Tuesday, we attended the opening ceremony of COMPUTEX, one of the largest computer and technology trade fairs in the world. There, we were enlightened by a keynote delivered by Dr. Lisa Su, CEO of AMD. We then explored the vibrant Taiwan start-up ecosystem. Among these were visits to Taiwan Start-up Terrace, Taiwan Tech Arena and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).

On Wednesday, we celebrated Taiwanese radio manufacturer Sangean's 50th anniversary.  We also visited top tech giants at COMPUTEX, in particular BENQ (Qisda Group), ACER Group and Everlight Electronics.

Our day continued by visiting Hon Hai/Foxconn Group. This one hour-long visit began with an introduction to Foxconn & HHTD (Hon High Tech Day). This was followed by an open discussion and a fascinating showroom tour focusing on MIH Mobility and its advancements in AI-assisted driving systems.

Looking ahead, the European Union is setting global standards for AI regulation. Thus, our visit underscored the importance of visiting Europe to witness the advancements in real-time. This year, IFA culminates a century of innovation, paving the way for a new era of technological advancements in everyday life. In consultation with GFK & gfu, we will dive into key considerations for AI developments, regulations and sustainability in home appliances and consumer electronics. Join us at the IFA AI Summit on September 9 for an in-depth exploration of AI's future impacts featuring expert panels, podcasts and keynotes.

Fun Facts About Riesling White Wine

An aromatic grape with a flowery, almost perfumed aroma and high acidity – the unique attributes of the Riesling grapes make Riesling white wine such an exquisite experience for our taste buds. Whether dry, semi-sweet, sweet, or sparkling, Riesling is a versatile pleasure!

Ready to dive into the zesty world of Riesling white wines? Swipe through our slideshow to discover fun facts that will make you the ultimate wine expert at your next gathering.

And guess what? We’re hosting a Peter Mertes Riesling wine night next Friday on June 14! There are barely any spots left, so grab your tickets ASAP and join us for an unforgettable evening.

Register on our website.

Click here to view the images in full resolution.

Register Now – GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch & Machinery Panel Discussion

Join our first GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch (商務聯誼聚會) networking event in Taichung on July 30 to experience Taiwan’s biggest machinery cluster and connect with the local German-Taiwanese business community.

During the event, you will not only be able to enjoy a delicious buffet and authentic German beer, but can also learn about the latest trends in the Taiwanese machinery industry and gain valuable insights from our 45-minute panel discussion featuring three German key players in machinery industry: Beckhoff Automation Taiwan, igus Taiwan, and Trumpf Taiwan.

Don’t miss out this great chance to engage with industry leaders and explore new business opportunities.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Time: 17:30 – 21:00 (registration from 17:30 – 18:00)
Venue: The Splendor Hotel - Taichung, Plum Blossom I, 13F
Address: No. 1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Price: 2,200 NT$ (including VAT, price includes dinner as well as soft drinks and a free flow of Erdinger beer, kindly sponsored by Millenia Commercial 美樂啤酒股份有限公司)



Phylex Ong
Managing Director
Beckhoff Automation Taiwan


Steven Lin
Managing Director
igus Taiwan


Patrick Kemnitz
Managing Director



Linda Blechert
Head of Governmental Affairs &
GTO German Business Alliance
Tel: +886-2-7735-7504
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280


Trade Fair News

Get Exclusive Tickets for IFA 2024

Mark your calendars for the world’s largest trade fair for consumer electronics and home appliances Join us at IFA 2024 as we celebrate its monumental 100th anniversary!

Date: September 6 – 10, 2024
Venue: Berlin, Germany

Experience the pulse of “innovation for all” right in the heart of Europe's most dynamic regional market. At IFA, witness the unveiling of the latest products from around the globe. With attendees from over 130 countries, IFA is the main hot spot for key retailers, buyers and experts from the industry and the media. Only IFA offers such a comprehensive overview of the international market.

But that's not all! Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere with exhilarating outdoor spectacles and evening concerts featuring both local legends and international superstars.

What’s special about this year’s IFA 2024? It’s divided into two exhibition periods AND two exhibition zones:

1) IFA: September 6 – 10 at Messe Berlin

2) IFA Global Markets: September 8 – 10 at STATION Berlin

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity! Exclusive Trade Visitor Tickets are on sale now! Sign up and don’t miss a beat!


Pinchao Huang

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886-2-7735-7529

Join Our German Pavilion at TaipeiPlas 2024

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this innovative event! Taking place from September 24 – 28, TaipeiPlas Exhibition is not only the exclusive professional exhibition in Taiwan dedicated to the plastics and rubber industries, but also a top global event in plastics and rubber industry. It brings together industry professionals, showcasing the latest advancements and trends. The exhibition serves as a platform for companies to present products and technologies across various sectors, encouraging networking and collaboration. TaipeiPlas covers the entire industry value chain, making it a valuable experience for both experts and newcomers.

Key Figures from TaipeiPlas 2022

Total Visitors: 12,513
Booths: 1,267
Exhibitors: 361


Venus Peng

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886 2-7735-7524

Asia Fruit Logistica 2024: Open for Registration

Asia Fruit Logistica takes place from September 4 – 6. It is the largest and most professional B2B exhibition in Asia, covering the entire agricultural industry structure chain. It offers unique opportunities for exhibitors to develop new business, especially in 2024 when it will be held in Hong Kong, a rare opportunity for Taiwanese manufacturers to enter the Asian market!

Key Figures from Asia Fruit Logistica 2023

Exhibitors Worldwide: 400+ (from 40+ countries)
Professional Buyers Worldwide: 10,000+ (from 70+ countries)

Our colleague Ms. Peng will answer any further questions regarding this event.

Venus Peng

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886 2-7735-7524

ITB Asia Now Open for Registrations

We are thrilled to announce our journey to ITB Asia in Singapore this October, where we will showcase the beauty of Taiwan. ITB Asia is expected to welcome 24,000 attendees, spreading across 4 stages with a total of 17 thematic tracks. With a record of over 35,000 business appointments in 2023, ITB Asia serves as an excellent platform for fostering long-term cooperation in the global travel industry. 

Join us and be part of this incredible opportunity to showcase Taiwan to the world! For inquiries about exhibiting, contact our colleague Ms. Venus Peng.


Venus Peng

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886 2-7735-7524

AHK Greater China News

Jetzt anmelden: Greater China Day 2024 

Die größte Highlight-Veranstaltung der IHK München und der AHK Greater China in Deutschland bietet die ideale Plattform sich über die aktuellsten Entwicklungen in China zu informieren.

Hochrangige Unternehmensvertreter und ausgewiesene China-Experten aus Deutschland und China diskutieren neuste Wirtschaftstrends. Breakout-Sessions bieten praxisnahen Austausch zu wichtigen Aspekten der Geschäftsabwicklung (Recht und Steuern, Exportkontrolle, Zoll) oder zu spannenden Zukunftsthemen wie der Chip- und Halbleiterindustrie Taiwans, Chinas Innovationsbranchen oder Hongkongs zukünftiger Rolle im Asien-Geschäft.

Nutzen Sie den Greater China Day als Netzwerkplattform, um sich mit Unternehmen und Multiplikatoren zu vernetzen – nach dem Motto von der Wirtschaft für die Wirtschaft. Seien Sie dabei!

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, aber anmeldepflichtig.


Datum: 27. Juni 2024
Uhrzeit: 09:00 – 17:00
Ort: IHK für München und Oberbayern, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 München, Deutschland
Ansprechpartnerin: Ulrike Tsougenis 
Telefon: +49 89 5116-1449 

Die Agenda und das Anmeldeformular finden Sie auf der offiziellen Webseite.

Other News

Sign Up Now: "Shaken Not Stirred" & "All Chamber Summer Happy Hour"

Elevate Your Networking Game: Join the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei for the Ultimate Summer Networking Extravaganza!

Get ready to make connections and expand your professional network like never before! We are thrilled to announce the consolidation of two exceptional networking events: BCCTaipei Quarterly "Shaken, Not Stirred" and the All Chamber's Summer Happy Hour. Brace yourself for an unforgettable evening of networking, collaboration, and camaraderie.

Read more about this event on our website.

Deutschenliste für Krisenvorsorge

Alle deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die, auch nur vorübergehend, im Amtsbezirk des Deutschen Instituts Taipei leben, können in eine Krisenvorsorgeliste aufgenommen werden, die zentral im Auswärtigen Amt Berlin geführt wird. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine freiwillige Maßnahme. Das Deutsche Institut rät, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch zu machen, damit es, falls erforderlich, in Krisen- und sonstigen Ausnahmesituationen mit Deutschen schnell in Verbindung treten kann.

Zur Krisenvorsorgeliste.


Taiwan News


AI Fever Brings Foreign Funds Back to Taiwan

Foreign funds snapped a two-month selling streak of Taiwanese equities last month amid renewed optimism around artificial intelligence (AI). Overseas investors bought US$2.7 billion of Taiwanese shares, according to Bloomberg-compiled data.

That is a turnaround from when they sold stocks in March and April as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) cautioned over persistent weakness in consumer markets and funds rotated to rival South Korea.

Sentiment in chip stocks has recovered globally following another bullish forecast from AI chipmaker Nvidia Corp. Taiwan’s dominant position in the AI value chain would get another boost this week as tech giants gather for the nation’s annual electronics showcase event, Computex Taipei.

(Last access: 04.06.2024 / Taipei Times)

Manufacturing PMI Rebounds to Expansion

Taiwan’s official manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) last month rose to 55.4, rebounding to expansion mode for the first time in 14 months, as firms rebuild inventory amid subdued uncertainty, the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER, 中華經濟研究院) said.

“The manufacturing industry reported business improvement in May, although uneven growth persisted,” CIER acting chairman Wang Jiann-chyuan (王健全) told a news conference in Taipei.

PMI data aim to gauge the health of the manufacturing industry, with values of 50 and higher suggesting expansion and scores lower than the neutral threshold suggesting a contraction. It is the first expansion since May 2022 when Taiwanese manufacturers took a hit from a global slowdown induced by drastic inflation and monetary tightening.

(Last access: 04.06.2024 / Taipei Times)


AI Expected to Drive TSMC Growth Over Next Few Years

Artificial intelligence development is expected to drive the growth of contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) over the next few years, according to Mark Liu (劉德音), who stepped down as the chipmaker's chairman.

Presiding over the last annual general meeting after becoming TSMC chairman in 2018 in the wake of founder Morris Chang's (張忠謀) retirement, Liu said AI development is expected to push up demand for semiconductors and the company is good at rolling out chips used in AI applications.

Liu said he has faith in TSMC's growth over the next few years at a time when there will be a boom in AI, with industries around the world rushing to install applications, including AI servers, for production.

(Last access: 05.06.2024 / Focus Taiwan)

Nvidia to Build Second Computer Supercomputer Center in Taiwan

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勛) confirmed that the company will establish a second AI supercomputer center in Taiwan at Computex in Taipei.

At a press conference, Huang said the new center will be similar to its Taipei-1 center in Kaohsiung, per CNA. However, the CEO did not divulge a location or schedule for the new center.

Huang added Nvidia’s first AI supercomputer center, “Taipei 1,” is located in Kaohsiung and plans to expand its computing scale.

(Last access: 05.06.2024 / Taiwan News)


Christoph Lory
Senior Manager Media and Communications
Tel: +886-2-7735-7509
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280

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Editing & Research: Christoph Lory, Chantelle Bissinger
Publisher: German Trade Office Taipei
International Trade Bldg., 19F-9, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-2-7735-7500
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280 

DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.,
International Trade Bldg.,
19F-10, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan 
Tel.: +886-2-7735-7500
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280 

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19F-9 No. 333 Keelung Rd.
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