InfoBrief Taiwan 15/07/2024

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Newsletter | 15/07/2024


Dear Subscriber,

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you are healthy and safe as flu season makes its rounds in Taiwan. Please remember to be careful and wear masks for your safety.

We encourage all our German subscribers working for solar energy companies to sign up fast for our delegation trip to Taiwan. Hurry because this promising event will take place in September and offers a valuable opportunity for networking and business development. Registration details and further information can be found in our Top News.

For those based in Taiwan, do not miss out on our Wirtschaftsstammtisch networking event on Wednesday in two weeks, July 30. Join us to connect with the local German-Taiwanese business community and explore new business opportunities. This year, it even features a machinery panel discussion! More details can be found in our Top News.

Last week, we had a lot going on at our office. On Thursday, we had the pleasure of hosting Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke and Ms. Kei-Lin Ting-Winarto from the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) at our office. We organized a business breakfast briefing that provided a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about semiconductors, subsidies and more. Read more about it in our GTO News.

Moreover, I had the honor to join the 2024 Falling Walls Lab Taipei preliminary competition as a jury member. The event revolved around innovative solutions presented by young bright minds from various Taiwanese institutions. Refer to our GTO News for more insights.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that the registrations for our Taiwan Pavilion booths at next year’s Smarter E Europe, the biggest trade fair in the field of global energy, are now open! Read more about this opportunity in our GTO News.

Lastly, we are excited to announce that we released the video of our 2nd GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament last month! Watch the highlights of the match on our official YouTube channel. Check it out in our GTO News.

Stay healthy and productive. Or, to put it in Thomas Jefferson’s words today: “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."

Kind regards,

Dr. Eva Langerbeck
Chief Representative & Executive Director

Diamond Partners 2024

Top News

Jetzt noch ganz schnell anmelden: Delegationsreise im Bereich Solarenergie

Vom 23.09. bis 27.09.2024 findet eine Geschäftsreise nach Taiwan für deutsche Unternehmen aus der Solarindustrie statt. Die fünftägige Reise besteht aus einer Fachkonferenz mit Unternehmenspräsentationen sowie individuellen B2B-Terminen mit potenziellen taiwanischen Geschäftspartnern und Entscheidungsträgern.

Die Reise richtet sich an deutsche Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Solarenergie, insbesondere mit Agri-PV und Solarthermie Lösungen. Ebenfalls willkommen sind Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Energiespeicherung sowie Firmen, die Taiwan als Beschaffungsmarkt für Solarprodukte entdecken möchten.

Taiwan hat bereits im Jahr 2016 eine Energiewende eingeleitet, die vorwiegend auf den Ausbau von Erneuerbaren setzt. Eine übergeordnete Rolle spielt dabei der Ausbau der lokalen Solarkapazitäten. So konnte der Anteil der installierten Kapazitäten im Bereich Solar PV von 2016 bis 2023 fast verneunfacht werden. Insgesamt verfügt Taiwan über 12,81 GW installierte Kapazitäten im Bereich Solar PV, davon sind 8,05 GW Aufdachanlagen und 4,76 GW auf Freiflächen installiert (Stand März 2024). Ziel der taiwanischen Regierung ist es, bis 2030 insgesamt 31 GW und bis 2025 sogar 40-80 GW installierte Solarkapazitäten aufgebaut zu haben. Um diese ambitionierten Ziele zu erreichen, sind innovative Lösungen aus dem Ausland besonders gefragt. Für deutsche Anbieter von Solartechnologien bietet Taiwan ein einzigartiges Marktumfeld, mit Einspeisevergütungen von 10 – 16 Eurocent pro kWh und starken Zugangsbeschränkungen für chinesische Wettbewerber.

Weitere Informationen und die Anmeldeunterlagen finden Sie auf der Website der Exportinitiative Energie. Den offiziellen Flyer finden Sie hier.

Bei Rückfragen stehen Ihnen Herr Kai Unger sowie unser Mitarbeiter Herr Philipp Molz gerne zur Verfügung.

Supported by:

Register Now – GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch & Machinery Panel Discussion

Join our first GTO Wirtschaftsstammtisch networking event in Taichung on July 30 to experience Taiwan’s biggest machinery cluster and connect with the local German-Taiwanese business community.

During the event, you will not only be able to enjoy a delicious buffet and authentic German beer, but can also learn about the latest trends in the Taiwanese machinery industry and gain valuable insights from our 45-minute panel discussion featuring three German key players in machinery industry: Beckhoff Automation Taiwan, igus Taiwan, and Trumpf Taiwan.

Don’t miss out this great chance to engage with industry leaders and explore new business opportunities.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Time: 17:30 – 21:00 (registration from 17:30 – 18:00)
Venue: The Splendor Hotel - Taichung, Plum Blossom I, 13F
Address: No. 1049, Jianxing Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Price: 2,200 NT$ (including VAT, price includes dinner as well as soft drinks and a free flow of Erdinger beer, kindly sponsored by Millenia Commercial 美樂啤酒股份有限公司)



Phylex Ong
Managing Director
Beckhoff Automation Taiwan


Steven Lin
Managing Director
igus Taiwan


Patrick Kemnitz
Managing Director



Levin Chiang
German Business Alliance,
Events & Governmental Affairs
Tel: +886-2-7735-7513


Platinum Partners 2024

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Gold Partners 2024

Become part of our GTO German Business Alliance!
More information about our membership packages on our website.

GTO News

Leistungsschau für Hersteller von Industrie 4.0-Technologien mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Montage- und Fertigungsprozessen

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme an einer Leistungsschau in Taiwan!

Wussten Sie, dass für den gesamten taiwanischen Fertigungssektor ein Umsatzrekord von 700 Mrd. Euro für 2024 prognostiziert wird? Taiwan beherbergt weltweit führende Fertigungsunternehmen in den Bereichen Halbleiter, Elektronik, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, deren Entscheidungsträger:innen in Taiwan sitzen und die durch das Upgrade der Produktionsprozesse mit Industrie 4.0-Technologien ihre Konkurrenzfähigkeit sichern wollen.

Vom 21. bis 25. Oktober 2024 findet eine Leistungsschau für deutsche Unternehmen nach Taiwan statt. Die Reise wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU gefördert.

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Teilnahme für die Leistungsschau nach Taiwan und erschließen Sie den taiwanischen Markt für Industrie 4.0 wie Cloudplattformen, maschinelle Bildverarbeitung, BigData, Cybersecurity, Systemintegration, Robotik, 3D-Druck, AI und VR, um Ihren idealen Vertriebs- und Geschäftspartner zu finden und wertvolle Einblicke zu erhalten!

Weiterführende Informationen sowie einen Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf unserer Website

Unterstützt durch:


Review: Business Briefing on "Semiconductors, Subsidies, Competitiveness, and Investment Protection"

On Thursday, we welcomed Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke, Chief Legal Officer of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), and his colleague Ms. Kei-Lin Ting-Winarto, Legal Affairs and Head of Data Protection Unit at the DIHK, to our office. During an in-depth briefing, our Chief Representative & Executive Director Dr. Eva Langerbeck introduced the key aspects and current state of the Taiwanese economy, highlighting its ongoing growth and development.

Afterwards, we hosted a C-level business breakfast with nine members of our Business Alliance members. The breakfast focused on the critical topics of "Semiconductors, Subsidies, Competitiveness, and Investment Protection." This event provided a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about the differences in German and Taiwanese industrial policies and to network with fellow professionals.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke opened the discussion by addressing the rising investment in semiconductor chip production. Furthermore, he elaborated on how Europe and Germany react to this development and how big investments in Germany can also be beneficial to suppliers along the whole supply chain.

The guests then discussed opportunities and challenges of recent Taiwanese investments in Germany. They argued about the idea of subsidies and what kind of positive developments in the region such investments could lead to in the future. Other topics discussed included data protection and the counterproductive impact of high energy prices on economic growth, particularly in Germany, which has some of the highest energy prices in the world.

Our breakfast was a fantastic opportunity to align with Germany's economic vision and to engage in discussions that could shape the future of our industries. We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke for leading such a thought-provoking session and to all participants for their contributions.

Participating companies: Deutsche Bank AG Taipei Branch, Infineon Technologies AG Taiwan Co. Ltd, MERCK Taiwan, Skyborn Renewables Taiwan Co. Ltd., TAK ASSOCIES TAIWAN, TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SÜD Taiwan, CARL ZEISS Group CO., LTD

Review: Falling Walls Lab 2024

This year, our Chief Representative & Executive Director Dr. Eva Langerbeck got to join the 2024 Falling Walls Lab Taipei preliminary competition as a member of the jury. 17 brilliant minds from various Taiwanese institutions presented their topics, ranging from physics to epidemiology. The Falling Walls Lab, initiated by the Falling Walls Foundation in 2009, continues to inspire innovation and academic excellence worldwide. Since 2020, the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Information Center Taipei has hosted the Taipei venue with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Global Innovation Hub and Taipei Office, DAAD Information Center Taipei, and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).

The participants delivered their research pitches in English within a three-minute timeframe. By doing so, they had to explain the problems they addressed and their innovative solutions. Following their presentations, the jury engaged with each participant by asking them questions about their approaches.

Céline Nauer, Project Advisor of the FNF Global Innovation Hub, emphasized the importance of education in democracies and the event's role in fostering academic exchange and international recognition.

Julian Goldmann, Science and Technology Officer at the German Institute Taipei, stressed the need for young minds to propose innovative solutions and communicate their research. According to him the event highlights the Falling Walls platform's role in German-Taiwanese academic exchange.

Congratulations to Yi-Zih Chen from National Taiwan University, who will represent Taiwan at the global finals in Berlin this November with the groundbreaking idea "Breaking the Wall of Antimicrobial Resistance."

We thank the organizers for inviting us to be part of this competition and we are looking forward to the outcome of the next rounds.

Review: Hesse Foreign Trade Day 2024 (Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen 2024)

On Tuesday, our colleague Ms. Linda Blechert, General Manager of DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., proudly represented Taiwan at the Hesse Foreign Trade Day 2024 (Außenwirtschaftstag Hessen 2024), organized by the IHK Frankfurt am Main. The event was bustling with exciting meetings where entrepreneurs were eager to explore new business opportunities in Taiwan. It was also a fantastic occasion to network with colleagues from the global German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network. A special thanks goes to Dr. Jürgen Ratzinger, Johannes Richter, and the entire IHK Frankfurt am Main team for their excellent organization!

Video Out Now: GTO Germany Company Charity Soccer Tournament 2024

A month ago, 16 teams fought against each other at our GTO Germany Company Charity Soccer Tournament! After an intense series of matches, we are thrilled to finally share the highlights of the day in a short video.

Expect epic goals, hilarious moments and some incredible teamwork. And yes, in case you are wondering and/or you already forgot: Our very own GTO team proudly won bronze!

Don't miss out – Watch the action unfold on our official Youtube channel and relive the excitement with us!

Participating Teams: Bosch Taiwan, DEKRA Taiwan, ENERCON Taiwan, Kärcher, igus Taiwan, Infineon Taiwan, Merck Taiwan, Siemens Taiwan, SUSS MicroTec, Tianmu United, TRUMPF Taiwan, TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SÜD Taiwan, Wilo Taiwan, Würth Taiwan, German Trade Office Taipei

Join Us at Smarter E Europe 2025!

The largest platform for the global energy industry, Smarter E Europe, was a phenomenal success in June! We are excited to announce that the next Smarter E Europe will be held from May 7 – 9, 2025, at Messe München, Germany. Smarter E Europe unites four major exhibitions: Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe, and EM-Power Europe. These exhibitions will cover renewable energy, batteries and energy storage systems, charging equipment and e-mobility, as well as energy management and integrated solutions. 

In 2024, Smarter E Europe featured over 3,000 exhibitors showcasing their innovative products and attracted approximately 110,000 visitors from around the globe. Additionally, more than 2,500 attendees participated in the conference and various side events, setting a new record. 

Next year, in corporation with TAITRA we will organize the Taiwan Pavilion in the Intersolar Sector (Hall A3). We welcome all Taiwanese companies to join us! Smarter E also exhibits globally, not just in Munich but in Mumbai, Dubai, South America, and North America. 

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the world's leading energy platform!

Pinchao Huang

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886-2-7735-7529

We are Hiring: Senior Manager (German Business Alliance, Events & Investment Promotion)

DEinternational Taiwan Ltd. is hiring a Senior Manager (German Business Alliance, Events & Investment Promotion)!

Your Role:

  • Support German member companies in Taiwan
  • Organize exciting events like the German Christmas Markets and Oktoberfest
  • Promote German investment opportunities to Taiwanese businesses
  • Collaborate closely with our dynamic team


  • Native in German
  • Fluent in English
  • Fluent in Chinese, basic Chinese reading and writing skills
  • University degree (preferably in Chinese/Asian Studies, Business, Politics)
  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • At least 2 years of project management experience


  • Positive, multicultural work environment
  • Career development opportunities
  • Salary: 60.000 – 75.000 NT$ fixed monthly salary
  • 14 days annual paid leave + Taiwanese and German public holidays

Deadline: July 31

Send your CV and cover letter to Ms. Lin Yi at

Trade Fair News

Join Us at DMEA 2025

From April 8-10, 2025, Messe Berlin will host Europe's leading event for digital health, DMEA. It brings together decision-makers from across the healthcare sector, including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives, and experts from politics, science, and research.

DMEA 2024 was a massive success, attracting over 800 exhibitors, more than 19,000 visitors, and nearly 300 speakers from around the globe. The event covered a wide range of topics beyond healthcare in Germany, such as patient care in Europe, the electronic patient record in Denmark, and AI transparency in Europe.

DMEA is an excellent platform for system and hardware/software vendors worldwide to seize market opportunities and engage with the digital healthcare community.

Don't miss your chance to be part of next year’s DMEA! To exhibit at DMEA 2025, please contact our colleague Mr. Pinchao Huang at 02-7735-7529 or for more information.


Pinchao Huang

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886-2-7735-7529

Get Exclusive Tickets for IFA 2024

Mark your calendars for the world’s largest trade fair for consumer electronics and home appliances Join us at IFA 2024 as we celebrate its monumental 100th anniversary!

Date: September 6 – 10, 2024
Venue: Berlin, Germany

Experience the pulse of “innovation for all” right in the heart of Europe's most dynamic regional market. At IFA, witness the unveiling of the latest products from around the globe. With attendees from over 130 countries, IFA is the main hot spot for key retailers, buyers and experts from the industry and the media. Only IFA offers such a comprehensive overview of the international market.

But that's not all! Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere with exhilarating outdoor spectacles and evening concerts featuring both local legends and international superstars.

What’s special about this year’s IFA 2024? It’s divided into two exhibition periods AND two exhibition zones:

1) IFA: September 6 – 10 at Messe Berlin

2) IFA Global Markets: September 8 – 10 at STATION Berlin

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity! Exclusive Trade Visitor Tickets are on sale now! Sign up and don’t miss a beat!


Pinchao Huang

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886-2-7735-7529

ITB Asia Now Open for Registrations

We are thrilled to announce our journey to ITB Asia in Singapore this October, where we will showcase the beauty of Taiwan. ITB Asia is expected to welcome 24,000 attendees, spreading across 4 stages with a total of 17 thematic tracks. With a record of over 35,000 business appointments in 2023, ITB Asia serves as an excellent platform for fostering long-term cooperation in the global travel industry. 

Join us and be part of this incredible opportunity to showcase Taiwan to the world! For inquiries about exhibiting, contact our colleague Ms. Venus Peng.


Venus Peng

Senior Project Manager
Trade Fair Services
Tel: +886 2-7735-7524

German Company News

Porsche Delivers 155,945 Vehicles in the First Half of the Year, with Taiwan Market Showing Resilience and Promising Prospects

In the first half of 2024, Porsche Taiwan delivered 2,741 vehicles. The new Cayenne continued its impressive performance with a 24% increase. The iconic 911 sportscar also achieved remarkable 53% growth, further solidifying its legendary status.

"Despite the dynamic and unpredictable global landscape, and the challenges we've encountered, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Porsche community in Taiwan for their support and trust in our brand. Taiwan's market resilience has been truly remarkable,” said Christian Nater, CEO of Porsche Taiwan. “Porsche's dedication to the Taiwan market is stronger than ever, as evidenced by our continued investments, including the recent grand opening of Asia's first Porsche Driving Centre. With more exciting models on the horizon for the latter half of the year, we remain optimistic about Porsche's future in Taiwan.”

Read the full article on our website.


Optimism Among German Companies in Asia-Pacific Grows 

This is the result of the latest special analysis of the AHK World Business Outlook (WBO), for which the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) surveyed around 660 German member companies in the Asia-Pacific region in cooperation with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).

"Growth of up to five per cent in the Asia-Pacific region is a realistic score ", emphasises Volker Treier, DIHK Head of Foreign Trade. "This positive development strengthens our local companies and boosts the German economy. The region remains one of the most important destinations for business diversification." The latest figures from the WBO underline this positive mood.

Read more about this on our website.

Register Now: Asia-Pacific Conference

The Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business (APK) takes place every two years, this year from October 24 – 26 in New Delhi. At the conference, experts, decision-makers and representatives from governments, business and civil society will discuss key challenges and opportunities in the region.

The event serves as an active platform for a wide-ranging exchange on political, economic and social issues that characterise the dynamic development of Asia and the Pacific. With a focus on interdisciplinary approaches and innovative solutions, the conference endeavours to develop shared perspectives and to strengthen regional cooperation in order to shape a sustainable and stable future.

More information on the APK can be found here.

AHK Network News

Sign Up Now: German ADB BOF Mission to Manila 2024

On October 9-10, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will once again host a Business Opportunities Fair (BOF) in Manila. On this occasion, they would like to organize a delegation trip with another program day with the aim of supporting German companies in the participation of ADB-funded projects. 

The ADB BOF provides an excellent forum for consultants, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and civil society organizations for ADB projects, it is an excellent networking opportunity with ADB specialists in various sectors.

Date: October 8 – 10

Location: ADB Headquarters, Manila

Additional added value:

  • Tailor-made schedule for your stay in Manila
  • Arranged meetings with ADB specialists
  • Meeting with ADB Exectuive Director for Germany
  • Exclusive networking event in the evening in cooperation with the German Embassy Manila
  • Networking event as part of the BOF
  • Support with accommodation and transportation

Registration Deadline: September 3 (12:00 CET)

Special price:
  • First Participant: € 850
  • Additional Participant: € 310
  • Early-Bird rate: 20 % until July 1
  • Early-Bird rate: 15% until August 1

Enclosed you will find the project flyer, the event page can be found here.

For further information please contact Ms. Therese Chu, ADB Partnership and Business Development Consultant at

Other News

Deutschenliste für Krisenvorsorge

Alle deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die, auch nur vorübergehend, im Amtsbezirk des Deutschen Instituts Taipei leben, können in eine Krisenvorsorgeliste aufgenommen werden, die zentral im Auswärtigen Amt Berlin geführt wird. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine freiwillige Maßnahme. Das Deutsche Institut rät, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch zu machen, damit es, falls erforderlich, in Krisen- und sonstigen Ausnahmesituationen mit Deutschen schnell in Verbindung treten kann.

Zur Krisenvorsorgeliste.


Taiwan News


Taiwan Exports Grow for 8th Consecutive Month in June

Taiwan’s exports rose by a higher-than-expected 23.5% in June compared to the same month last year, marking the eighth consecutive month of growth, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) said.

The total for June reached US$39.9 billion (NT$1.29 trillion). Imports rose 33.9% from June 2023 to US$35.22 billion, per CNA.

(Last access: 11.07.2024 / Taiwan News)

Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector Shows Positive Signs in May: DGBAS

The number of people employed in Taiwan's manufacturing sector rose by 1,000 in May, ending a negative growth streak of 21 months, the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) said.

If the number employed continues the trend, the DGBAS can be more sure of the manufacturing industry's improvement, said Chen Hui-hsin (陳惠欣), deputy director of the DGBAS' Census Department.

(Last access: 11.07.2024 / Focus Taiwan)


TSMC Joins Trillion-Dollar Club Amid AI Explosion

The entry of chip giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) into the elite club of the world‘s most valuable companies is further proof that the generative artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is shaking up Wall Street.

TSMC, which is listed in Taipei and New York, briefly broke the US$1-trillion market capitalization barrier, putting it ahead of Tesla Inc as the seventh-most valuable technology giant on the stock market.

(Last access: 11.07.2024 / Taipei Times)

Taiwan’s Walsin Lihwa Explores Offshore Wind Market

Taiwan’s top stainless steel maker Walsin Lihwa plans to build the country’s first power cable production facility for offshore wind farms.

According to a company press release, Walsin approved a NT$2.7 billion (US$82.8 million) investment into a joint venture with Danish cable producer NKT called Walsin Energy Cable System Co. Ltd (Walsin Cable).

(Last access: 11.07.2024 / Taiwan News)


Christoph Lory
Senior Manager Media and Communications
Tel: +886-2-7735-7509
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280

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Editing & Research: Christoph Lory, Chantelle Bissinger
Publisher: German Trade Office Taipei
International Trade Bldg., 19F-9, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-2-7735-7500
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280 

DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.,
International Trade Bldg.,
19F-10, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan 
Tel.: +886-2-7735-7500
Fax: +886-2-7733-5280 

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German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan)
19F-9 No. 333 Keelung Rd.
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