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Dear Subscriber,
Reflecting on the happenings of this week, we are energized by the anticipation of the thrilling events that await us in the upcoming month.
To start things off, we would like to announce that the eagerly anticipated German-Taiwanese Conference regarding the sporting goods, fitness and leisure equipment is happening tomorrow! Luckily, there are still a few spots left. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with German companies and potential business partners – free coffee and free lunch included. What are you waiting for, sign up now via the link in our Top News.
Furthermore we are already in the midst of our preparations for this year's TMTS, the yearly trade fair showcasing the latest innovations in the machinery industry. At the end of the month, on March 27 to be precise, our German Pavilion will represent 23 esteemed German companies and their products and services. In the following weeks, we will be introducing several of our exhibitors to give you a better idea of what is to be expected. It is a great honor for us to work with global players and we are looking forward to the event. For more details, check out our Trade Fair News.
In other exciting news, we had the pleasure of hosting a meeting at our office and invited Mr. Frank Wu, Secretary General of the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association and his team this Thursday. It was truly a delightful afternoon exchanging ideas and insights with such distinguished guests. Read more about that visit in our GTO News.
Lastly, we particularly draw your attention to the upcoming elections for the European Parliament. Your voice matters and this week's InfoBrief Taiwan provides crucial information on how you can vote by postal vote. Be sure to check it out in Other News. Let's all play our part in shaping a better tomorrow!
May this week be filled with inspiration and productivity, leading you to new heights of success.
Axel Limberg Delegate and Chief Representative of German Industry & Commerce in Taiwan Executive Director of the German Trade Office Taipei
Last Call: Sign Up Now! Expert Symposium: German-Taiwanese Conference Regarding the Sporting Goods, Fitness and Leisure Equipment
As part of the market development program of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Action, DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., the service unit of the German Trade Office Taipei, is currently organizing a delegation visit focusing on sporting goods, fitness and leisure equipment, which will take place between March 4 and 8, 2024.
The delegation trip is intended to create a platform for Taiwanese companies that are looking for new brands for their product portfolio and suppliers of high-quality products "Made in Germany".
Next Tuesday (March 5), we will host the German-Taiwanese Conference regarding the sporting goods, fitness and leisure equipment, during which the delegation members will introduce their “Made in Germany” products to the audience.
Following the conference, participants will have the opportunity to get to know the German companies better while enjoying coffee and lunch.
B2B Meetings
In the days after the conference, several B2B meetings will be conducted with Taiwanese businesses. If you are interested in meeting representatives from our delegation members in person to discuss future cooperation possibilities, our Market Entry Manager Ms. Dana Ye (ye.dana@taiwan.ahk.de) will be happy to assist with scheduling a meeting for you. Contact us now and start new partnerships!
Event Details
- Date: March 5, 2024
- Venue: ILLUME Taipei, 100, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., 10547, Taipei, Taiwan
- Event Time: 09:00 – 16:00
- Price: Free of charge
Find the agenda and more information about this even on our event website.
Seats are limited, so make sure to sign up soon to secure your spot in order to learn more about all things sporting and leisure equipment!
All Events
Mr. Frank Wu, Secretary General of the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA) and his team visited our office last Thursday to discuss the organization of the 22nd Taiwan-Germany Joint Business Council Meeting (第22屆 臺 德經濟合作會議). The JBC is a yearly bilateral business platform for German and Taiwanese companies to further strengthen existing business contacts and to explore new opportunities in the fields of trade, investment, and research cooperation. The next JBC is planned to be held in Taiwan this year. More information coming soon!
Jetzt Anmelden zur GTAI-Clustervermarktungsreise in der Elektromobilitätsbranche!
Vom 15. bis 19. April 2024 findet unsere Delegationsreise nach Taiwan im Bereich Elektromobilität statt. Die Reise wird im Rahmen des Programms zur Internationalisierung der Regionen im Strukturwandel von GTAI Germany Trade and Invest durchgeführt und vom BMWK Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz gefördert. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Investitionsförderungsgesellschaft NRW.Global Business und den Unternehmensclustern automotiveland.nrw und der Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier für DEinternational Taiwan, die Dienstleistungsgesellschaft des Deutschen Wirtschaftsbüros Taipei (AHK Taiwan) ein spannendes fünftägiges Programm durch, bei dem sich deutsche Unternehmen vernetzen können und umfangreiche Einblicke in die taiwanische Elektromobilitätsbranche erhalten.
Taiwan beherbergt bereits weltweit führende Unternehmen in den Bereichen Elektronik und Halbleiter. Das über Jahrzehnte angesammelte Knowhow in der Produktentwicklung und Massenproduktion soll dazu genutzt werden, künftig auch in der Elektromobilität eine führende Rolle einzunehmen. Bereits jetzt sind Hersteller wie Tesla stark auf Komponenten aus taiwanischer Fertigung angewiesen. Für deutsche Unternehmen die ideale Möglichkeit, neue Anreize für Innovationen und Geschäftsmodelle sowie neue Kooperations- und Vertriebspartner zu gewinnen.
Weiterführende Informationen sowie einen Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf dieser Website.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Visit our German Pavilion at TMTS 2024! – TMTS 2024: Exhibitors and Events (Batch No. 1)
Organized by the Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association, this year's TMTS is set to start showcasing the latest advancements in the industry on March 27. As usual, our German Pavilion will enable our German exhibitors to display their products and services.
Counting down the remaining days, we are delighted to introduce six exhibitors at TMTS 2024 every week! Join us at the German Pavilion to explore the latest advancements from these esteemed companies:
- Balluff Taiwan Ltd. (M0429): Sensor and automation specialist
- Blum Production Metrology CO., Ltd. (M0620): On-machine laser tool setting and tool breakage detection in CNC machining centers
- CARL ZEISS CO., LTD. (M0420): Optics and optoelectronics technology
- Daybreak International Taiwan Corp. (EUCHNER) (M0327): Industrial safety engineering
- E.ZOON CO., LTD. (Oemeta) (M0726): High-quality industrial lubrication products
- Full Bright Industrial Supply Center (WERTH) (M0120): machine tools and measuring machines
Join us as we showcase these industry leaders and their contributions to the evolution of manufacturing technology. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the event!
Find more information about our exhibitors on our official website and in our InfoBrief Special Edition.
BUS2BUS: Exclusive Discounted Tickets With Our GTO Voucher Code
Step aboard the future of transportation at BUS2BUS 2024, where innovation meets the open road! Get ready to explore the next generation of buses that redefine the journey. All aboard for a thrilling ride into the future! BUS2BUS 2024 is taking place from April 24 - 25 in Berlin, the trade fair is an innovative business platform for the bus and supplier industry in Germany and Europe, focusing exclusively on the bus industry. The show is expected to be bigger than last year, with more buses and test drive opportunities than ever before. Combining a trade show, an informative Future Forum, and presentations & workshops, it covers the entire spectrum of future technologies and showcases the latest trends and innovations in the bus industry. One ticket, many possibilities: The BUS2BUS 2024 ticket includes practical workshops and test drives in advanced vehicles, access to a two-day stage program with in-depth insights into the industry and the opportunity to make contacts with industry leaders and prominent political decision-makers to shape the future of mobility together. Contact us to receive your exclusive GTO voucher code to enjoy a 25% discount. If you have any questions regarding ticketing, please contact our colleague Ms. Peng (02-7735-7524 / peng.venus@taiwan.ahk.de) for further information.
Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg
The Scaleup Landing Pad supports growing GreenTech businesses from the fields of mobility, logistics, energy and construction in their expansion to Germany and Europe out of Hamburg.
Your greentech scaleup offers solutions in the fields of mobility, logistics, energy and construction? You can apply for the Landing Pad if your business...
... is between 3 and 10 years old. ... has a proven product-market fit in your home market. ... shows proof of a strong growth phase within the past two years. ... does not have a base in Hamburg nor headquarters in Germany. ... is able to actively participate in Hamburg’s ecosystem during the participation in the Landing Pad.
Interested scale-ups can submit their application online via the Landing Pad website. All submissions will be assessed by a panel of experts. The first admission phase and onboarding are expected to begin in spring.
Approved scale-ups are advised in the programme and encouraged to set up business and establish themselves in Hamburg with the help of individual incentives & services, networks and support (single point of contact). The incentives are divided into Business Development, Location Consulting, Living & Workspace and Business Services. Participating scale-ups receive personalised one-to-one support tailored to their individual needs.
7th German-Taiwanese Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects
The German Institute in Taipei and the Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany are announcing a call for proposal for joint R&D projects.
Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods in all technological and application areas, which have strong market potential. The Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Institute in Taipei will respectively provide access to public funding for joint projects.
The Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany (Coordinator: Project Office of A+ Industrial Innovative R&D Program, AIIP PO) and the German Institute in Taipei (Coordinator: AiF Projekt GmbH) will provide all necessary assistance to project partners during all the project proposal, evaluation and monitoring phases.
AIIP PO and AiF Projekt GmbH will evaluate the submitted proposals independently and communicate the results within about 5 months after receiving the proposal.
Find more information on their website.
Bekanntmachung für Deutsche zur Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament
Am 09. Juni 2024 findet die Wahl der Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland statt.
Deutsche, die außerhalb der Bundesrepublik Deutschland leben, das 16. Lebensjahr vollendet haben und im Bundesgebiet keine Wohnung mehr innehaben, können bei Vorliegen der sonstigen wahlrechtlichen Voraussetzungen an der Wahl teilnehmen.
Für ihre Wahlteilnahme ist u. a. Voraussetzung, dass sie
1.1 am Wahltag seit mindestens drei Monaten in den übrigen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union eine Wohnung innehaben oder sich mindestens seit dieser Zeit dort gewöhnlich aufhalten (auf die Dreimonatsfrist wird ein unmittelbar vorausgehender Aufenthalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angerechnet)
1.2 entweder nach Vollendung ihres 14. Lebensjahres mindestens drei Monate ununterbrochen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine Wohnung innegehabt oder sich sonst gewöhnlich aufgehalten haben und dieser Aufenthalt nicht länger als 25 Jahre zurückliegt, oder aus anderen Gründen persönlich und unmittelbar Vertrautheit mit den politischen Verhältnissen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erworben haben und von ihnen betroffen sind,
2. in ein Wählerverzeichnis in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingetragen sind. Diese Eintragung erfolgt nur auf Antrag. Der Antrag ist auf einem Formblatt zu stellen; er soll bald nach dieser Bekanntmachung abgesandt werden.
Einem Antrag, der erst nach dem 19. Mai 2024 bei der zuständigen Gemeindebehörde eingeht, kann nicht mehr entsprochen werden (§ 17 Abs. 1 der Europawahlordnung).
- Antragsvordrucke (Formblätter) sowie informierende Merkblätter sind online auf der Seite der Bundeswahlleiterin (www.bundeswahlleiterin.de) verfügbar. Sie können auch bei
den diplomatischen und berufskonsularischen Vertretungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
- der Bundeswahlleiterin, Statistisches Bundesamt, Zweigstelle Bonn, Postfach 170377, 53929 Bonn, Germany;
- den Kreis- und Stadtwahlleitungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angefordert werden.
Weitere Auskünfte erteilt das Deutsche Institut Taipei auf seiner Internetseite.
Deutschenliste für Krisenvorsorge
Alle deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die, auch nur vorübergehend, im Amtsbezirk des Deutschen Instituts Taipei leben, können in eine Krisenvorsorgeliste aufgenommen werden, die zentral im Auswärtigen Amt Berlin geführt wird. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine freiwillige Maßnahme. Das Deutsche Institut rät, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch zu machen, damit es, falls erforderlich, in Krisen- und sonstigen Ausnahmesituationen mit Deutschen schnell in Verbindung treten kann.
Zur Krisenvorsorgeliste.
Taiwan Ranks 4th in World in Economic Freedom
Taiwan ranked fourth in the world and second in Asia in economic freedom in the Heritage Foundation's global economic freedom index.
In the American conservative think tank's latest report titled the 2024 Index of Economic Freedom, Taiwan ranked fourth in economic freedom out of 184 countries with an overall score of 80, a drop of 0.7 points from last year. Among the 39 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Taiwan was ranked second.
The report noted Taiwan's economic freedom score surpassed world and regional averages. Taiwan maintained its status as fourth among the only four "free" economies in the world, with Singapore receiving a score of 83.5, followed by Switzerland at 83, Ireland at 82.6, and Taiwan at 80.
The think tank lauded Taiwan as an "exemplary free-market democracy." The organization attributed Taiwan's high ranking to its "strong commitment to the rule of law and openness to global commerce."
(Last access: 29.02.2024 / Taiwan News)
Consumer Confidence at 2-Year High
The consumer confidence index this month rose to a two-year high, with five of the six subindices increasing, a report released yesterday by National Central University showed.
The index grew 1.08 points month-on-month to 73.22 — its fifth consecutive increase — while on an annual basis, it rose 10.75 points, the report said.
The latest index is the highest since February 2022 when the gauge printed 73.19, indicating that the public’s sentiment had returned to the level seen prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it said.
The report is based on a survey of 3,020 people aged 20 or older from across Taiwan between Feb. 18 and Wednesday last week, the university said.
Five of the six subindices used to gauge the public’s confidence over the next six months rose, signaling improved sentiment toward consumer prices, household finances, the economic climate, job opportunities and stock investments.
(Last access: 29.02.2024 / Taipei Times) |
Taiwan Cement Reports 48% Net Profit Increase
Taiwan Cement Corp (台灣水泥), the nation’s biggest cement maker reported that its net profit expanded 48 percent annually last year, thanks to contributions from its power-generation business in Taiwan and cement products with low carbon footprints sold in Europe.
Net profit grew to NT$7.99 billion (US$253.09 million), from NT$5.4 billion in 2022, the company said in a regulatory filing.
Earnings per share rose to NT$1.06, from NT$0.74 a year earlier.
While revenue last year fell 4.1 percent to NT$109.31 billion, from NT$113.93 billion, gross margin improved by 9.9 percentage points to 18.8 percent and operating margin rose 8.2 percentage points to 9.2 percent, reflecting the company’s efforts to enhance its profitability amid economic headwinds.
In the October-to-December quarter alone, the company’s net profit fell 27.6 percent year-on-year to NT$1.8 billion and revenue decreased 18.2 percent to NT$28.35 billion.
Taiwan Cement said in a statement that about 45 percent of its net profit last year came from low-carbon cement products sold in Europe.
(Last access: 29.02.2024 / Taipei Times)
Taipei Fubon Bank Ranks Among Top 20% of Financial Institutions in ESG
Taipei Fubon Bank took center stage at the inaugural Sustainable Finance Awards hosted by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) last Friday.
Taipei Fubon Bank was one of 12 finalists, the top 20% in a review of 57 domestic banks, brokerages, and insurance companies. The ranking evaluated four categories: environment, social, corporate governance, and sustainable development.
The honor presented by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) recognized the bank’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and digitalization of banking services. Furthermore, the bank planned to expand its existing ESG program to all employees, becoming an integral part of corporate DNA.
One such ESG action by Taipei Fubon Bank was the purchase of 3.45 million kilowatt hours of green energy in 2023, allowing for a total carbon reduction of 1,706 metric tons. The bank also exhibited a commitment to financing green projects such as a US$1 billion syndicated ESG loan to the State Bank of India (SBI). Other such loans included Innolux (NT$40 billion) and Wistron (US$500 million).
Taipei Fubon Bank has also made investments in several green industries that pursue low-carbon, green energy technology. The bank has also pursued economic activities in line with its stated net-zero goals, including a pledge not to invest in fields such as coal mining, fuel, or transportation after 2040.
(Last access: 29.02.2024 / Taiwan News)
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German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan) 19F-9 No. 333 Keelung Rd. 11012 Taipei Taiwan
+886 2 77357500 info@taiwan.ahk.de GTO Website
