🎬 NRW – Taiwan Business & Technology Forum Highlights 🎯 On March 26, the Business & Technology Forum “Digital Technologies & Media Content” - organized by NRW.Global Business and supported by our office - brought together key players from North Rhine-Westphalia and Taiwan’s media and tech industries. 📍 Held in Taipei, the forum was opened by Susanne Baumann, NRW.Global Business GmbH and Ming-Huei Tung, Chief Secretary, Administration for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA). Among the speakers were Dr. Peter Charissé (ANGA – The Broadband Association), Ilon Huang (Radio Taiwan International) and Eric Lin (TAVAR). The agenda covered streaming trends, XR developments, media cooperation and practical support for Taiwanese companies in NRW - including a diverse pitch session with representatives from both German and Taiwanese companies: Michael Brink from LAVAlabs Moving Images GmbH & Co KG and Leon Brink from Capture Media GmbH, Cynthia Lin from Turing Space, Prof. Dr. Stefan Sporn from The Audio Innovation Lab, Noah Hynam from CreatorDB, Roger Elsener from Zattoo and Richard Lee from TNLmediagene. A great platform to exchange ideas, foster innovation and strengthen the media-tech bridge between Taiwan and NRW! 🌐 🎬德國北威邦—台灣 媒體內容與數位科技論壇 🎯 3月26日,由北威邦國際商務署(NRW.Global Business)主辦,德國經濟辦事處協辦的「媒體內容與數位科技論壇」正式展開,將德國北威邦和台灣的媒體專家齊聚一堂,共同分享、探討台灣的媒體和科技產業。 📍本次論壇於台北茹曦酒店舉行,論壇開場由北威邦國際商務署大中華地區與南韓專案經理Susanne Baumann以及數位發展部數位產業署主任秘書童明慧致詞,並邀請多位專家分享見解。與談來賓包含德國ANGA與寬頻協會總經理Dr. Peter Charissé、中央廣播電台黃逸龍與台灣虛擬及擴增實境產業協會(TAVAR)秘書長林家和。 議程重點涵蓋串流媒體趨勢、XR技術發展、媒體合作機會,以及北威邦提供給台灣企業的市場進入支持。論壇中特別安排了一場多元的商業簡報,供台德雙方的企業代表齊聚交流。 分享者包含: 德商 – Lavalabs Moving Images, Michael Brink, 總經理 台商 – 台灣圖靈鍊股, Cynthia Lin, 商務發展經理 德商 – The Audio Innovation Lab, Prof. Stefan Sporn, 創辦人暨執行長 德商 – CreatorDB, Noah Hynam, 創辦人暨總經理 德商 – Zattoo, Roger Eisener, 執行長 台商 – 台灣數位媒體應用暨行銷協會, Richard Lee, 關鍵評論網 技術長 這場論壇不僅促進意見交流與創新合作,更進一步加強台灣與德國北威邦之間的媒體與科技連結!🌐 #PartnerInTaiwan #NRW #MediaTechnology #DigitalInnovation #BusinessForum