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🔥 GTO German Company Charity Soccer Tournament 2024 ⚽️
Jul 102024
🎉 A month ago, 16 teams fought against each other at our GTO Germany Company Charity Soccer Tournament! ⚽️ After an intense series of matches, we are thrilled to finally share the highlights of the day in a short video. Expect epic goals, hilarious moments and some incredible teamwork. And yes, in case you are wondering and/or you already forgot: Our very own GTO team proudly won bronze! 🥉 Don't miss out – Watch the action unfold and relive the excitement with us! 🎬 🍿 Participating Teams: Bosch Taiwan, DEKRA Taiwan, ENERCON Taiwan, Kärcher, igus Taiwan, Infineon Taiwan, Merck Taiwan, Siemens Taiwan, SUSS MicroTec, Tianmu United, TRUMPF Taiwan, TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SÜD Taiwan, Wilo Taiwan, Würth Taiwan, German Trade Office Taipei 🎉 一個月前,德經處舉辦的「第二屆在台德商慈善足球友誼賽」,16支隊伍展開激烈對抗!⚽️ 經過一段時間的沉澱,我們與大家分享當天的緊張刺激的花絮片段。 不要錯過精彩的進球、搞笑的瞬間和令人驚嘆的團隊合作。而且,如果你還再回想或已經忘記,容我們再次提醒:我們德經處隊伍獲得了銅牌!🥉 千萬不要錯過這段精彩的影片,一起重溫那天的球賽的興奮和激情吧!🎬 🍿 參與隊伍:Bosch Taiwan, DEKRA Taiwan, ENERCON Taiwan, Kärcher, igus Taiwan, Infineon Taiwan, Merck Taiwan, Siemens Taiwan, SUSS MicroTec, Tianmu United, TRUMPF Taiwan, TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SÜD Taiwan, Wilo Taiwan, Würth Taiwan, German Trade Office Taipei #PartnerInTaiwan

German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan) 德國經濟辦事處

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