Bosch 祝大家聖誕快樂!🎅🎄 在這個與家人、朋友歡聚的溫馨時刻,Bosch 誠摯感謝各位過去一年來的支持,也邀請大家在新的一年,與 Bosch 攜手用創新科技領航美好未來!🌟 #merrychristmas #happynewyear #holidays
Bosch Taiwan
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
Taipei, Taipei 4,398 followers
Invented for life
About us
Since 1990, Bosch Taiwan offers OEM automotive equipment, automotive aftermarket service, drive and control technology, eBike systems, building technology, power tools, home appliances, as well as micro mechanical sensors. The company is also committed to corporate social responsibility to Taiwan’s society through promoting road safety, environmental protection, and social care. The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It employs roughly 429,000 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2023). The company generated sales of 91.6 billion euros in 2023. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. With its business activities, the company aims to use technology to help shape universal trends such as automation, electrification, digitalization, connectivity, and an orientation to sustainability. In this context, Bosch’s broad diversification across regions and industries strengthens its innovativeness and robustness. Bosch uses its proven expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to offer customers cross-domain solutions from a single source. It also applies its expertise in connectivity and artificial intelligence in order to develop and manufacture user-friendly, sustainable products. With technology that is “Invented for life,” Bosch wants to help improve quality of life and conserve natural resources. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 470 subsidiary and regional companies in over 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, and sales network covers nearly every country in the world. Bosch’s innovative strength is key to the company’s further development. Imprint: Privacy statement:
- Website
External link for Bosch Taiwan
- Industry
- Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
- Company size
- 501-1,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Taipei, Taipei
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1990
- Specialties
- Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, Energy and Building Technology, and Mobility
6F, No. 90, Jian Guo N. Road. Sec 1
Taipei, Taipei 10491, TW
No. 5, Xinghua Road
Taoyuan District , Taoyuan 33068, TW
11F., No.80, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist.
Taipei, Taipei 11493, TW
Employees at Bosch Taiwan
Mark Liu
Product Manager, Cross Functional Team, Building Technologies
Chih-Hao Yu
Senior Development Engineer at Bosch
Yang Ju Chen
Experienced Program & Project Manager / Experienced Business developer & Product Manager / Certified International Business Professional / Certified…
Dave Howard
Vice President | General Manager Bosch eBike Systems Asia Pacific
🏍️台灣機車密度高,汽車零件專家 Bosch 正式進軍台灣二輪售後零件市場! 🚀 近年 Bosch 在台推出二輪專用鋰鐵電池與 AGM 電池,剎車油、火星塞、喇叭等零件逐步在台上市,更完整的二輪零件產品線即將問世 🏁 實測成果、真實好評: 我們在台灣最大規模的重機賽事中,讓重機玩家們親自測試 Bosch 二輪專用鋰鐵電池,Bosch 電池高效率的動力輸出,有感提升騎乘體驗。 🔧選擇 Bosch,革新你的騎乘體驗! 🏍️Eyeing the high motorcycle densities, Bosch has officially tapped into the two-wheeler aftermarket in Taiwan! 🚀 Recently, Bosch launched the edge-cutting Li-Ion & AGM battery, with the plan to further introduce brake fluid, spark plug, and horn tailored for two-wheeler vehicles. 🏁 Great user reviews: Bosch put the batteries to the ultimate test at Taiwan's largest motorcycle racing event where motorcycle enthusiasts praised Bosch's Li-Ion battery for its efficient power output and enhancement of riding experience. 🔧Choose Bosch and revolutionize your riding experience!
人家說:日行一萬步,健康有保固。 你知道,我們口袋裡面的手機,是怎麼知道我們到底走了多少步呢? 其實就是運用了結合加速度感測器和陀螺儀的慣性感測元件 IMU! 不只是手機或運動手錶的計步功能,IMU 還可以用在遊戲搖桿、健康照護裝置,也被用在相機防手震和筆記型電腦硬碟保護,以及控制機器人手腳的行動和平衡。 你覺得慣性感測元件還能用在哪裡呢? 留言告訴我們吧! 一起來認識慣性感測元件:
感測科技解密:慣性感測元件 IMU
歷史迴廊:Bosch商標百年演進史 💡大家知道Bosch商標的設計靈感是什麼嗎? ➡️答案是磁力發電機的點火裝置! 1899 年 3 月 3 日,羅伯特博世(Robert Bosch)註冊了Bosch的第一個商標:「燃燒的磁鐵」🔥🔧,這個特殊的圖案被印在每一個Bosch出廠的磁電點火裝置上,從此開啟品牌傳承。1918 年,總工程師 Gottlob Honold 將舊商標改頭換面,創造出全新的「圓形磁電樞」設計,線條簡潔、辨識度高。 你最喜歡哪一個?留言告訴我們吧! 瞭解更多
解構感測科技:壓力感測器 你知道無人空拍機是如何維持飛行的穩定嗎?就是運用了氣壓感測器! 壓力感測器能靈敏地反映出海拔高度變化,就算只有幾公分的差異都能感測出來!在無人空拍機裡,就是裝了氣壓感測器。當高度越高時,氣壓感應器會測到越低的氣壓。高精準度的追蹤功能也可以用在運動手環、遊戲手把、導航、跌倒偵測,甚至可以讓緊急呼救更即時。 你覺得氣壓感測器還能用在哪裡呢? 一起來認識壓力感測器:
永續教育、從小紮根!🌈 台灣博世電動工具前進校園 推廣永續教育 台灣博世電動工具率台灣博世志工同仁於10月8日造訪苗栗縣僑善國小,參與德國經濟辦事處 German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan)主辦的一日企業社會責任教育活動(CSR Day)。 為了讓參與活動的46位中年級學童了解回收再利用的重要性,我們讓學童腦力激盪、發揮創意,用廢紙板當作小賽車車身及輪子,並運用博世無線熱熔膠槍黏貼,製作獨一無二的環保小賽車🚗🚙🛺。最後更舉辦緊張、刺激的環保小賽車競賽,看哪一組設計的小賽車能跑得最遠!趣味十足的活動,讓現場大朋友、小朋友都收穫滿滿。
歷史迴廊:羅伯特‧博世的紐約壯遊 1884年,當時年僅22歲的Bosch創辦人羅伯特‧博世(Robert Bosch)啟航前往美國紐約,希望能向偉大的電機工程先驅如湯瑪斯·愛迪生(Thomas Edison)和西格蒙德·伯格曼(Sigmund Bergmann)等人學習,豐富自己的知識與經驗。 在紐約,博世深深受新科技吸引。帶著一封推薦信,他開始在S. Bergmann & Company 工作,為同樣出身德國的伯格曼工作。伯格曼和愛迪生一起設計了新的電燈元件,並合夥開設工廠製造。然而,當伯格曼公司經營不善時,博世即遭解雇。雖然博世很快就在Edison Machine Works 找到新工作,但當時他必須與大約 800 名機械技師、勞工同在一個密閉的空間工作。這樣的工作環境及員工權益不受保障的聘僱模式,讓羅伯特‧博世感到不滿,從而加入工會,爭取勞工權益。 1886年,在結束英國倫敦與德國馬德堡的工作後,博世在德國斯圖加特成立了自己的「精密機械和電機工作坊」。儘管在紐約工作時間不到一年,期間的所見所聞,對他個人及企業家的一生都有深遠的影響。 羅伯特‧博世的紐約壯遊故事:
電動車電池抗老科技 電動車電池同樣需要用創新科技延緩老化! 電池是電動車中雲端電池是 Bosch 的創新雲端服務,可以提升電池性能、延長其壽命。透過模組化的系統持續監測、分析並優化電池狀態,最佳化電池性能。雲端電池服務還能監測影響電池性能的壓力因子,採取防止電池提早老化的預防措施。 認識雲端電池科技: