Looking Back on an Inspiring Week with NRW.Global Business 🌏 As the NRW delegation’s journey in Taiwan comes to an end, we look back on a week full of insightful exchanges, inspiring meetings and promising connections. We were proud to support NRW.Global Business in organizing this exciting visit, which focused on fostering collaboration in media content and digital technologies between North Rhine-Westphalia and Taiwan. Throughout the program, the delegation engaged in site visits and high-level meetings with key players from Taiwan’s innovation and media landscape, including HTC, Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), TVBS, TaiwanPlus and various government bodies such as MODA and NCC. The highlight of the week was the Business & Technology Forum, which brought together industry leaders and officials to discuss digital transformation, AI-driven content and future collaboration potential. A big thank you to Susanne Baumann and all delegation members for their openness and curiosity - we look forward to continuing the dialogue and strengthening the German-Taiwanese partnership! 💼 回顧與德國北威邦國際商務署(NRW.Global Business)共度的精彩時光🌏 隨著NRW代表團在台灣的行程圓滿落幕,我們回顧這充滿深度交流、啟發性與寶貴機會的 一周。很榮幸能協助北威邦國際商務署籌畫這次精彩的訪問行程,聚焦於媒體內容與數位技術合作,進一步深化北萊茵邦與台灣的夥伴關係。 此行,代表團參訪了台灣多家創新與媒體產業的重要 機構,包括宏達電、文化內容策進院、TVBS、TaiwanPlus,以及政府單位MODA(數位發展部)與NCC(國家通訊傳播委員會),並展開多場高層會議,深入探討合作機會 行程亮點之一是本周三於台北茹曦酒店舉行的「媒體內容與數位科技論壇」,產業領袖與政府代表齊聚一堂,共同探討數位轉、AI驅動內容與未來合作潛力,為雙方交流與合作開起更多可能性。 衷心感謝北威邦國際商務署 大中華地區與南韓 專案經理Susanne Baumann以及代表團所有成員的熱情參與──期待未來持續深化台德夥伴關係,攜手開創更多機遇!💼 #PartnerInTaiwan #NRWGlobalBusiness #DigitalTransformation #MediaInnovation #BusinessDelegation