German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan)

German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan)

International Trade and Development

About us

The German Trade Office Taipei was established in 1981 and is officially registered as a "Foreign Representative Organization". Since then we have acted as an intermediary between German and Taiwanese businesses and have promoted the exchange between both economies. We aim to provide our customers with services tailored to their needs so that they can benefit most from the many advantages both Germany and Taiwan have to offer. As the official delegation of the German Industry and Commerce in Taiwan we promote and support investment projects in both Germany and Taiwan, gather and process relevant economic data, organize events and business talks, and information concerning both economies, serve as a networking platform to bring together business people from Germany, Taiwan and the rest of the world. DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., the service unit of the GTO, organizes business delegations and market survey trips, represents German trade fair companies, and offers bilateral market entry support as well as recruiting, training, office-in-office and other value added services.

International Trade and Development
Company size
11-50 employees
Government Agency


  • Primary

    International Trade Bldg.,

    19F-9, No. 333, Keelung Road, Sec. 1

    Taipei, 11012, TW

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Employees at German Trade Office Taipei (AHK Taiwan)


  • New Year’s is right around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by exploring some fun German traditions! 🎉 From the quirky "Dinner for One" to cozy raclette and fondue feasts, these customs bring people together for a festive and memorable start to the year. Want to know more? Check out the post to dive into these unique traditions! 🥂 The German Trade Office wishes you a Happy New Year! 新的一年即將到來,還有什麼比知道一些有趣的德國傳統更好的慶祝方式呢!   🎉 從獨特電影「一個人的晚餐」,到溫馨的瑞士烤起司和火鍋大餐,這些習俗讓人們在新年聚在一起,共同度過一個充滿節慶氣氛和難忘回憶的時刻。想了解更多嗎?快來看看文章,深入了解這些獨特的傳統! 🥂 德國經濟辦事處祝您新年快樂!   #PartnerInTaiwan #NewYearsEve #GermanTraditions #FrohesNeuesJahr

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  • 🎄🎅✨ With Christmas fast approaching, we’re feeling the holiday spirit here at the office. Tomorrow, December 24th, is a special day for Germans, as it marks the celebration of "Heiligabend"—Christmas Eve.    🥔🌭 Unlike in many countries, where Christmas Day is the main event, Germans traditionally come together on Christmas Eve. The celebrations typically begin with a simple meal—often featuring sausages and a hearty potato salad.    🎶🙏 After dinner, families gather around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts, which are often placed under the tree earlier in the day. The moment of gift-giving is often preceded by a short Christmas service or song, bringing everyone together in the spirit of joy and gratitude.    Did you know this about German Christmas traditions?    🎄🎅✨ 隨著聖誕節的腳步臨近,我們的辦公室也充滿了節日的氣氛。明天,12月24日,對德國人來說是個特別的日子,因為這一天是「平安夜」(Heiligabend)的慶祝時刻。不像許多國家將聖誕節當天視為主要活動日,德國人通常在平安夜歡聚一堂。    🥔🌭 慶祝活動通常以一頓簡單的餐點開始,這頓餐點常包括香腸和一道豐富的馬鈴薯沙拉。晚餐後,家人們會圍坐在聖誕樹旁交換禮物,這些禮物往往在當天稍早便被放置在聖誕樹下。    🎶🙏 在交換禮物的時刻前,通常會舉行一場簡短的聖誕禮拜或唱頌聖誕歌曲,讓每個人沉浸在歡樂與感恩的氛圍中。這個充滿魔力的夜晚,洋溢著溫馨、珍貴的傳統與家人團聚的感覺!    你知道這些關於德國聖誕傳統的事情嗎? #PartnerInTaiwan #Heiligabend #GermanChristmasTraditions

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  • Holiday Closure Notice! Our office will be closed from 12/24/2024 until 01/05/2025. The German Trade Office wishes you a wonderful holiday season and looks forward to assisting you in the new year! 服務時間異動通知! 適逢聖誕假期及新年假期,本辦公室將於2024年12月24日至2025年1月5日期間暫停對外服務。 德國經濟辦事處預祝您有一個愉快的假期,期待在新的一年中為您提供服務! #PartnerInTaiwan #OfficeClosure

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  • 🎂 A Sweet Farewell to Justus, Our Legal Intern! Yesterday, we bid farewell to our wonderful legal intern Justus Brodersen, who has spent the past three months contributing significantly to our office. During his time with us, Justus provided valuable support on various legal matters, focusing on business and commercial law as well as data protection issues. To mark his last day, Justus surprised us with a delicious cake that we all enjoyed together. While we are sad to see him go, we are confident that he will excel in his journey! Thank you, Justus, for your hard work and dedication. We wish you all the best for the future and hope to cross paths again soon! 😊 🎂 為我們的法律實習生Justus送上最甜蜜的告別! 昨天,我們向法律實習生Justus道別,他在過去的三個月中為我們的辦公室做出許多貢獻,在此期間,Justus在法律相關方面提供了重要的協助,尤其是在商業法與數據保護議題。 在他的最後一天,Justus驚喜地為我們準備了一個美味的蛋糕,大家一起享用了這份甜蜜道別禮。雖然我們對他的離別感到不捨,但我們相信他在未來一定會大放異彩! Justus非常感謝你的努力與貢獻。我們祝你未來一切順利,也希望能在不久的將來與你再見!😊 #PartnerInTaiwan #Goodbye

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  • 🎄 Wichteln – the German version of Secret Santa – is a beloved tradition that adds a personal, playful touch to the holiday season. From quirky surprises to heartfelt gifts, Wichteln brings people together to celebrate the joy of giving! Whether in the office or at home, it's all about spreading cheer and making memories!🎁 🎄 Wichteln——德國版的聖誕老人秘密交換禮物——是一個深受喜愛的傳統,為節日季節增添了個人化和趣味的色彩。從古怪的驚喜到真心的禮物,Wichteln將人們聚在一起,慶祝贈送的喜悅! 無論是在辦公室還是在家裡,這都是關於傳遞快樂並創造回憶。🎁 #PartnerInTaiwan #Wichteln #ChristmasFunFacts

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  • 🎄✨ Christmas Cheer at the German Trade Office Taipei! ✨🎄 Yesterday, our team came together to celebrate the festive season in style! We kicked off the day with a fabulous lunch at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, where we savored a delicious meal and shared heartfelt conversations. The celebrations continued back at our office, where we embraced the spirit of giving with a fun Secret Santa gift exchange. To add to the holiday magic, we enjoyed tea and traditional German Christmas cookies! It was a wonderful way to reflect on the year's accomplishments, connect as a team, and soak in the holiday spirit together. We’re grateful for these moments and look forward to carrying this warmth into the new year. We wish everyone a joyful holiday season filled with happiness, love, and a touch of Christmas magic! 🎅🎁   🎄✨ 德國經濟辦事處的聖誕歡樂時光!✨🎄 昨天,我們辦公室的團隊聚集在一塊,以充滿節日氣氛的方式歡慶這個特別的季節! 我們慶祝聖誕節從台北君悅酒店享用豐盛午餐開始,大家品嚐美味佳餚,各自分享溫馨對話。 接著,我們回到辦公室,進行了充滿趣味的秘密聖誕禮物交換活動,將節日的歡樂帶入活動高峰。除此之外,我們還品嚐了德國傳統聖誕餅乾,搭配香醇的茶飲,讓整個活動更加溫馨。 這是一次回顧今年成就、促進團隊連結、共同感受節日氛圍的美好時光。我們珍惜這些溫暖的時刻,也期待將這份暖意帶入新的一年。 祝大家有一個充滿幸福、愛與聖誕魔法的節日季節!🎅🎁     #PartnerInTaiwan #ChristmasParty #TeamCelebration #HolidaySpirit #Wichteln #ChristmasCookies

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  • ✨ What a Successful Seminar!✨ Last Friday, we had the pleasure of hosting a fantastic seminar at our office, diving into the exciting opportunities in Germany’s digital education (Edtech) market. 🌍💡 The afternoon was filled with inspiring presentations: 🎤 EDUvation shared insights into Germany’s digital learning landscape. 📚 IPEVO Corp. and AR2VR Ltd. wowed us with their success stories and innovative solutions. 🎓 Prof. Dr. Peter Henning introduced LEARNTEC 2025, Europe’s leading trade fair for digital education, as the ultimate platform for Taiwanese companies looking to expand internationally. The event wrapped up with a vibrant Q&A session and networking time, leaving everyone energized and full of ideas for the future. A big thank you to our co-organizers – Messe Karlsruhe, LEARNTEC - as well as our partners—EDUvation GmbH, IPEVO Corp., AR2VR Ltd., Taipei Computer Association 台北市電腦商業同業公會 Edtech Taiwan—for helping make this event a great success! 🌟 Stay tuned for updates on the 2025 Digital Learning Business Delegation to Germany and more exciting opportunities! 🚀   ✨首場數位教育科技研討會 圓滿落幕✨   上週五,我們在辦公室舉辦了一場精采的研討會,深入探討德國數位教育市場的產業概況與潛在機會。🌍💡 本次研討會由以下講者帶來充滿極具啟發性的分享: 🎤EDUvation 分享德國數位教育市場發展現況,以及台商如何進入市場的契機 📚IPEVO Corp. 和 AR2VR Ltd. 以落地德國的成功案例和創新方案,帶給與會者許多市場新視角 🎓Prof. Dr. Peter Henning 介紹了LEARNTEC 2025 歐洲第一的數位教育科技展,其將為台商進軍德國市場的最佳平台之一。   活動最後以討論熱絡的問答環節及產業交流為整場研討會畫下完美句點,讓線上線下參加者皆滿載而歸,並對德國教育科技市場有了更新的認識。   特別感謝本次協辦單位:Messe Karlsruhe, LEARNTEC,以及合作夥伴EDUvation GmbH、愛比科技、阿特發互動科技、台北市電腦商業同業公會 台灣科技教育展,感謝大家的鼎力相助,讓本次研討會得以圓滿成功!🌟   敬請期待 2025 德國數位教育科技商務代表團的最新消息,資訊將於明年年初發布。如對參展或觀展有任何問題,也請與我處彭小姐 (02-7735-7524 / 聯繫。🚀 #GermanyTaiwan #DigitalLearning #Innovation #LEARNTEC2025 #edtech  

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  • 📥 Out now: Read the latest edition of our newsletter “#InfoBrief Taiwan”!   This week’s highlights:   Participate in Our Business Confidence Survey 2024/2025! Review: German Digital Learning Market Landscape: Entry Barriers and Best Practices Meet Our New Staff: Julie Huang! Read About Porsche Taiwan and Their Latest Milestone!   Link to our website in the comments ⬇️   #PartnerInTaiwan

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  • 👋 Meet our new receptionist and office assistant, Chu-Chun Huang (Julie Huang)! Julie recently graduated from Soochow University (東吳大學), where she majored in German Language and Culture. Her strong language skills include Mandarin (her mother tongue), English, German, and a little Korean. She has also just started learning Spanish! Julie holds a Goethe Zertifikat B2, showcasing her proficiency in German. Outside of work, Julie enjoys cycling and traveling, which reflects her adventurous and curious spirit. At the office, she will be taking care of the front desk and reception area, managing mail inquiries, and handling other assigned tasks. We are excited to have Julie join our team and look forward to the enthusiasm and talent she brings to our office. Welcome aboard, Julie! 👋 歡迎認識我們新的櫃台接待人員和辦公室助理 黃竹均! 竹均目前剛從東吳大學畢業,主修德國語言與文化的他,除了母語中文之外,也精通英語、德語漢一些韓語。最近他也開始學習西班牙語!她在德語方面擁有B2語言檢定證照,證明他流利的德語能力。   除此之外,竹均也非常喜歡騎單車和旅行,反映了她愛冒險和好奇的精神!她將協助辦公室的接待事項、管理信件收發和處裡行政事項。.   很高興竹均加入我們的團隊,也期待她為我們帶來的熱忱和專業! 竹均,歡迎你! #PartnerInTaiwan #MeetOurStaff

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  • Jetzt anmelden für unsere Geschäftsanbahnungsreise Gesundheitswirtschaft nach Taiwan! Wussten Sie, dass über 60% der medizinischen Geräte 💉 in Taiwan importiert werden? Aufgrund des demografischen Wandels in #Taiwan steigt die Nachfrage in den Bereichen #Präzisionsmedizin🎯 und #Biotechnologie🧪 sowie #Pharmazeutik💊 stetig und es werden neue Lösungen gesucht, um den Anforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft👴🏻👵🏻gerecht zu werden. Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance in den taiwanischen Gesundheitsmarkt einzusteigen! 🏩 Vom 19. bis 23. Mai 2025 findet eine Geschäftsanbahnung🛫 für deutsche Unternehmen nach Taiwan statt. Die Reise wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action), im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramm (MEP) für KMU gefördert und ist Bestandteil der Exportinitiative Gesundheitswirtschaft. Sichern Sie sich Ihre Teilnahme für die Geschäftsanbahnung nach Taiwan und erschließen Sie den taiwanischen Markt für Gesundheitswirtschaft in Bereichen wie #Pharmazeutik, #Telemedizin, #BigData #Krebsvorsorge #Digitale Gesundheitslösungen, #KI, #Biotechnologie, #Medizintechnik, um Ihren idealen Vertriebs- und Geschäftspartner zu finden und wertvolle Einblicke zu erhalten! Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website, der Link befindet sich in den Kommentaren. Anmeldeschluss ist der 24. Januar 2024. #Markterschließung #Exportförderung #GTAI #BMWK #MEP #Aussenwirtschaft

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