
Porsche and Make-A-Wish realize dreams and illuminate paths towards the future


The heartwarming collaboration between Make-A-Wish International and Porsche has continued this year to bring joy and fulfilment to the lives of brave children around the world. This time, the spotlight is on Kimi, an inspiring individual who successfully overcame Neuroblastoma, whose passion for history became a wish to explore the behind-the-scenes magic of the National Palace Museum.

On January 27th, Kimi visited the National Palace Museum with his family. An exclusive lesson on artifact conservation and restoration was arranged for Kimi, where he was able to immerse himself in the ancient art of making books. To his delight, he even had the opportunity to craft his own thread-bound book. A guided tour was then tailored to Kimi’s interests in bronzes, paintings, and calligraphy, where he not only learned about the history behind the artifacts, but also got a glimpse of how professional guides work at the museum. “The tour was definitely my highlight of the day, my favorite was the Ding cauldron of Duke Mao,” Kimi expressed with much excitement. Kimi’s ultimate wish of working at the museum was realized at the end of his visit, where he acted as a guide and navigated another child through the installations at the Children’s gallery.

"Thanks to the team at National Palace Museum for curating this special program. Kimi's wish is a testament to the power of hope and the positive impact collaborative efforts can have on the lives of children facing critical illnesses. The way his face lit up during the activities is the best reminder of why we continue the cause,” said John Chen, Chairman of Make-A-Wish Taiwan.

In addition to hands-on activities, Kimi proactively inquired about the career paths of the museum staff. From the museum director to the staff, Kimi received insights about the education, necessary skills, and qualifications necessary for a role in the museum. 

"Much like Porsche’s core value, Kimi is driven by dreams. It is our sincere hope that his experience at the museum will fuel his passion for history and become a catalyst of a lifelong pursuit for him. Porsche remains devoted to realizing dreams and bringing joy to the faces of children overcoming challenges. We are enthusiastic about achieving even more in collaboration with Make-A-Wish,” said Christian Nater, CEO of Porsche Taiwan.

This collaboration between Porsche and Make-A-Wish International is just one of many aimed at granting more wishes to deserving children around the world. The impact of such endeavors extends beyond the immediate joy experienced by the children, creating lasting memories that inspire courage and resilience.